Jury Duty.. UGH!
I get to spend tomorrow at the courts while awaiting my group to be called.. I've never made it to this stage so this SUCKS! I won't get paid for the day so I am going to request that the day be covered by my 1 vacation day available *sigh* Not the way I wanted to use it, but what ever.. I've got too much stuff I need the money for...
I also just found out that the fan on my graphics card is going to shit, the bearing are blown so it's on its last leg.. Any recommendations? Keep in mind, I do A LOT of photo editing, etc.. I may not be a gamer, BUT graphics are still important for me!! The one in my system was excessively powerful since it came from my computer nerd ex *L* Obviously, I won't be able to afford another $500 graphics card BUT I still need one if I plan to still use my desk top PC. So again, any suggestions?
On a positive note, the criminal justice paper that I bull shitted through got me an A... The test I studied for, the afternoon OF, scored me an 89% -- B+. Not bad for a slacker *L* My math grade should still be at an A, but I need to get on the ball and REALLY start applying myself.. I'm really just passing through both classes by the skin of my arse :-P Damn these distractions!!!
I'm really contemplating not going to school next semester
I get to spend tomorrow at the courts while awaiting my group to be called.. I've never made it to this stage so this SUCKS! I won't get paid for the day so I am going to request that the day be covered by my 1 vacation day available *sigh* Not the way I wanted to use it, but what ever.. I've got too much stuff I need the money for...
I also just found out that the fan on my graphics card is going to shit, the bearing are blown so it's on its last leg.. Any recommendations? Keep in mind, I do A LOT of photo editing, etc.. I may not be a gamer, BUT graphics are still important for me!! The one in my system was excessively powerful since it came from my computer nerd ex *L* Obviously, I won't be able to afford another $500 graphics card BUT I still need one if I plan to still use my desk top PC. So again, any suggestions?
On a positive note, the criminal justice paper that I bull shitted through got me an A... The test I studied for, the afternoon OF, scored me an 89% -- B+. Not bad for a slacker *L* My math grade should still be at an A, but I need to get on the ball and REALLY start applying myself.. I'm really just passing through both classes by the skin of my arse :-P Damn these distractions!!!
I'm really contemplating not going to school next semester

this place is drenched in poison...
air heavy with the weight of tension..
they've all gone mad...they've all turned bad.
we left out forgot to mention...
the locals all plagued with dimentia...
they don't know they're made..
that they've been betrayed..
my favorite line so far is
"you'll find yourself and come out lovely...pacific winds really suit you nicely"
p.s. we are on the same label with seether...love those guys..hope to hear back