I posted some new pics in m "Just Me" section.. Check 'em out, I'm partial to the "Target" ad looking one! *L* Keep in mind, my mouth is kind of "chubby" right now from the swelling so be kind!!
I tried to take s'more "revealing" ones but they didn't turn out, sorry!
I tried to take s'more "revealing" ones but they didn't turn out, sorry!
How is the mouth feeling with the wisdom teeth? I'll give you one bit of advice; DON'T clench your jaw. Being the natural control freak I am, when I had my teeth taken out this summer, I was walking around with a clenched jaw for about a week (it hurt; and when I hurt, I clench). Anyway, I started to get these blinding headaches; super sensativity to light, noise, dizziness the whole gammet. Anyway, I figured out afterwards that the pain was being caused from the stress of clenching my jaw. A few days after relaxing my jaw I was feeling a lot better.
*shakes head* I hate teeth