Time to answer the question what have I been up to for the past 2 yrs. Well, I joined an alt modeling group similar to the SG's except there was no nudity involved. The mission statement was that this group of women was dedicated to breaking the negative stereotypes of women with ink. Sounds lovely doesnt it? Well after starting out at the bottom, I worked my way up to "Worldwide President". What started out as a handful of women was now worldwide with over 2000 members. I worked 7 days a week all hours of the day I night, traveled to numerous tattoo conventions & was lucky enough to be published in a few magazines. To make a long story short I got tired of other peoples negative actions & poor judgement reflecting upon me, so I made a quiet & graceul exit. In fact this is the 1st time I've talked about it at all. I will not give details or bad mouth anyone because those of you that know me know its not my style, but I will say I was very hurt & felt extremely used when it was all said & done. I wish this were a perfect world where none of us were judged by the way we look whether it be for tattoos, body mods, weight, color, etc, but unfortunately this experience has taught me that it is not. For all that its worth I did make some life long friends, had some fun times, & have a few magazines to show my kids when they get older so they know their mom was once cool lol. I will always love & be passionate about the art of tattooing. I dont need to be in a group for people to realize that & to realize that I'm not a sterotypical tattooed chick". If someone passes me in the street & makes a snap judgement as to who I am based on my appearance so be it. Those arent the type I people I want in my or my childrens lives in the 1st place.
Other than that I've been raising my little ones. I've focused all my energy on them. I feel I owe it to them to be the best mother I can be & give them everything I have & everything I am. That means I havent allowed any time for a social life of my own but Im totally ok with that. I'm so used to it being the 3 of us that I dont want to let anyone else in. I just want to enjoy my children & my life at my own pace. There will be plenty of time for me once their grown & dont give a crap about their mama anymore lol.
So I'll be around here for a few more months. It's good to hear from you guys again!
xoxo Laura
Other than that I've been raising my little ones. I've focused all my energy on them. I feel I owe it to them to be the best mother I can be & give them everything I have & everything I am. That means I havent allowed any time for a social life of my own but Im totally ok with that. I'm so used to it being the 3 of us that I dont want to let anyone else in. I just want to enjoy my children & my life at my own pace. There will be plenty of time for me once their grown & dont give a crap about their mama anymore lol.
So I'll be around here for a few more months. It's good to hear from you guys again!
xoxo Laura
You know what you are right! thanx for reminding me. glad to hear the update on the life of Laura. Continue living life by you're own policies.
I know you have been a fan of my work in the past, so I figured I would let you know my new film is posted in my journal today. Come check it out before YT pulls it down.