Since I last posted I've been
: So right after being made a Gypsy Queen, a B movie Horror studio contacts me to see if I'd like to become a Sinema Siren, which entails having pics on their site & going out to promote the films at conventions & film festivals. Once they realized I was an actress before I ever started modeling they said there were 2 projects coming up in the winter, one filming in Clevland & one in Pittsburgh that they may want to use me for. WooHoo! I love the horror genre & have always wanted to be involved with something like this. I want to be the stupid person that has people screaming at the screen, no dont go in there, run! I definitely want to be the chick that gets killed hehe. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
My ex is starting to pull shit again. Picking the kids up late, cancelling on his days, bringing them back early. I told him my son was sick but he insisted on taking them to the beach. The poor kid doesnt like the water & overheats after 5min outside (like me), but no he took him anyway. When he didnt want to stay the father asks if he wants to go on rides, which is another big fear of his, he's only 3! So now my daughter wants to go on rides, my son is crying to come home, the father doesnt know how to deal so what does he do? Calls me & says he's bringing them home. So he cancelled last Tues, brought them home after 4hrs on Sun. & cancelled again yesterday. Useless.
got to spend a really nice Sunday with T. It was the first time I've been totally relaxed in like a month. We had lunch & watched movies. He got me a really cute tank top from the bar we first went to together, it was just nice to be with him again
I hate being on a diet. I want a fuckin cookie!!!!! I'm sick of salad. I want sweets waaaaahhhhhhhh. Ok sorry I'm done.
I had another dream about Vinny (my dead ex..see past journal entry). Then I realized his bday is this month. All day I felt compelled to go to his bands myspace site & write something about him. I'd forget, it would creep back into my head, so I finally did it. Then I started getting emails from his fans asking questions about him, saying they'd met him on tour. it was bitter sweet. Alot of people wanted to know how he died, which made me really sad. To have to relive that all over again just got me really down. I'm ok now though. It's nice to know he touched peoples lives, that would have made him really happy.
So thats about it. Its HOT as HELL here in NY we're at 100 today, feels like 105-115 is what they said on the news. I'm in for the day, I cant handle that kind of heat. Hope youre all well & staying cool. XOXOXO

So thats about it. Its HOT as HELL here in NY we're at 100 today, feels like 105-115 is what they said on the news. I'm in for the day, I cant handle that kind of heat. Hope youre all well & staying cool. XOXOXO
they are Ex's for a reason eh? lol blah
I agree with Larianna don't deny yourself .. just dun go crazy (and I know how hard that is.. been there..)
yes.. i lost my daughter.. my first child when I was 7 months pregnant. I had so many problems n there just wasn't anything they could do.. but I did get to hold her n say goodbye. I got to keep the clothes they dressed her in.. Some people couldn't handle that but it helps me.. not as strong as I wish I could be.. I get down right emotional at times..but most women have those moments eh?
smooch.. ~ shay
I still relieve the day he died and every year on that day I visit his grave. I loved him like crazy and to this day miss him. I belive that he has had some hand in the way my life turned out. Through his death I meet and married my husband and my second daughter was born on his birthday. I feel him with me time to time and he had helped me through some of my troubles. I know how bittersweet remembering can be.
Congrats on the Sinema Siren, wish I could be of help with the diet, but I always say yes to the cookie!!