I'm feeling really down today. someone just give me some love
Added 11:15pm anyone have room in their bed for me to cry myself to sleep. I just finished a really heartbreaking conversation with T which ended in me telling him I dont want to see him anymore. But I do, & it's killing me. Apparently my feelings for him are stronger than his for me & thats too hard for me to accept. I just want someone that I love to love me back. Is that too much to ask for? He still wants to see me & says nothing has changed but how can I continue with this knowing what I now know. I hate this shit. This is why I didnt date for the past 3 years. I was alone but at least I wasnt hurting.

Added 11:15pm anyone have room in their bed for me to cry myself to sleep. I just finished a really heartbreaking conversation with T which ended in me telling him I dont want to see him anymore. But I do, & it's killing me. Apparently my feelings for him are stronger than his for me & thats too hard for me to accept. I just want someone that I love to love me back. Is that too much to ask for? He still wants to see me & says nothing has changed but how can I continue with this knowing what I now know. I hate this shit. This is why I didnt date for the past 3 years. I was alone but at least I wasnt hurting.
right back at ya...how you feelin now? any better?
u are a very big turn on. get at me so we can talk sometime.