So my ex drops the kids off last night & says can I talk to you? Last time he said that we ended up in a heated arguement & I was stressed like a mother F-er for a week after, the time before that when we spoke he cursed me called me names & I cried for the rest of the day, so as you can imagine I wasnt looking forward to whatever it was he had to say. But, to my pleasant surprise he wants to call off this custody war. It shouldn't have even turned into a war but his lawyer & my lawyer hate each other so our issues got put on the back burner & it was more of a pissing contest between the 2 of them. His lawyer never explained that I was offering joint legal custody (as long as I have the final decision which was actually a stipulation added by the judge) & thats all he ever wanted in the 1st place. Well, if he hadnt treated me like an asshole & would have talked to me at the courthouse instead of turning his back & walking away this would have saved us both a lot of time, money, & aggrevation. So I'm feeling much better now that thats all settled. This divorce is finally going to happen! I'm so thrilled you have no idea. This has been hanging over my head for the past 3 yrs & now its only a matter of dotting the i's & crossing the t's. YAY YAY YAY !!!!!!!!! Oh & a word of advice for you, my friends, DON'T EVER GET MARRIED!!!
Other than that I feel like crap. I think I'm getting sick. I've been so unbelievably tired the past few days, to the point where I feel like I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I never get a good night sleep, then I get rundown, & here I sit with a sore throat, achey body, & whopping headache. I was nauseous for most of the day as well & just wanted to sleep but my kids werent havin it. If I even try to lay down for a second they freak. Yesterday my daughter said she was tired & wanted me to lay down with her. I was like YES! So we laid down & she turns to me & says "dont close your eyes" what???!!! are you kidding me. of course I did & she kept busting me & getting mad (well as mad as a 3yr old can get). I need another vacation already.
This is for someone in particular so the rest of you can stop reading now
Don't you wish it had been raining like this last weekend so we could have watched the storm from our window or better yet from our bed?. Right now I'm listening to the mixed sounds of the rain tapping on my window & lay lady lay. Getting sleepy & missing you

Other than that I feel like crap. I think I'm getting sick. I've been so unbelievably tired the past few days, to the point where I feel like I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I never get a good night sleep, then I get rundown, & here I sit with a sore throat, achey body, & whopping headache. I was nauseous for most of the day as well & just wanted to sleep but my kids werent havin it. If I even try to lay down for a second they freak. Yesterday my daughter said she was tired & wanted me to lay down with her. I was like YES! So we laid down & she turns to me & says "dont close your eyes" what???!!! are you kidding me. of course I did & she kept busting me & getting mad (well as mad as a 3yr old can get). I need another vacation already.
This is for someone in particular so the rest of you can stop reading now

Don't you wish it had been raining like this last weekend so we could have watched the storm from our window or better yet from our bed?. Right now I'm listening to the mixed sounds of the rain tapping on my window & lay lady lay. Getting sleepy & missing you


I dig the username!

You'd be surprised to know what I have read.