Had a great weekend with a few glitches here & there, but all in all is was another wonderful weekend getaway (thank you sweetie
) We love this hotel because it's right on the boardwalk with an amazing view of the ocean, nice little living room setup, fridge & jacuzzi, but after what we went through it might be a while before they see us again. We had a problem checking in because of a creditcard policy, long story short my name was not on the card but i'm on the account, I havent recieved my card yet. all the card was for was to check in, not to pay, just to check in. Now it's 1am & this lazy hotel bitch wont call the creditcard company to get authorization because that is apparently not her job. She tells me to go to the convienence store for a prepaid card. Went to 4 different places before I was able to get one. Finally get to the room around 2:30am & there's no airconditioning!!!!! This is not motel 6, it's a $200 a night room & there's no fucking airconditioning. I call the front desk & tell them they better fix it in the morning. Morning comes they can't get in touch with their airconditioner people so I want to switch rooms. Poor T is exhausted from his work week & ready to flip the fuck out so I go to check out other rooms. The bitch sent me to 4 other rooms that didn't have ac. This is 2hrs of riding up & down in the elevator, checking rooms, changing keys, my head is pounding, I'm hungry, I want to get back to bed. Finally I said fuck it & we stayed where we were, They finally had it fixed a few hours later.....So later in the day I go on an ice run in my pj's, which really dont look like pj's so I was like fuck it I'm not changing to ride an elevator a ew floors down. So I'm wearing a lowcut tank top & silky capri pj pants. I get on the elevator with 2 old couples probably in their 70's. One of the women covers her eyes & starts screaming Oh MY God!! Oh My God!!! over & over. I thought the bitch was having a heart attack, so everyone starts saying all worried what's the matter? She says" I can't I can't the tattoos" What a fucking nut job! I was so stunned by her reaction I just stood there. Her husband looked so embarrassed so he started making small talk, What are they, did they hurt that kind of crap. I tell him my chest piece is 2 sparrows with banners of my childrens names, & just name the other ink without showing it. This crazy old bitch says"Oh my god your poor children" thats when I'd had it, but luckily I was at my floor. Why do old people feel they have the right to say anything to anyone? Whatever.
Anyway, Ministry was great. They should have played more old stuff, but unlike some people
I do realize they're promoting a new album. Revolting Cocks also put on a great show. There was much craziness going on on stage, it was like a big free for all, extremely entertaining. Had entirely too much to drink & pretty much slept the entire following day. Went to dinner, more drinks, relaxing jacuzzi, Ripleys Believe It or Not museum. We had a great time, but alas no pictures. To be honest , I never even got a chance to wear the bodystocking or the shoes hehehe
I'll save them for next time.
Question? have you purchased shirts at a concert & expected them to have bags at the merch table like you're shopping at Kmart or something?

Anyway, Ministry was great. They should have played more old stuff, but unlike some people

Question? have you purchased shirts at a concert & expected them to have bags at the merch table like you're shopping at Kmart or something?

I am still laughing about the old lady.. thas just tooo funny.. BUt you know, you're a beautiful woman. dun let it bother ya.. hugzz
I'm glad that you did manage to enjoy some of it tho hun.
You've much patience to have avoided going off in her face! Good for you, 'cause I think if you had, that would have just confirmed her freakout and removed any cast of irrationality from her actions. She would have won.
This way, you came out on top.
Sounds like a pretty good weekend minus the hotel bullshit. I'd love to see Ministry! Damnit, never have...
Ah well.
Thanks for the sweetness, by the way.
Yes, the freedom makes the pain worthwhile, but it's like leaving open the door to a cage... I want to go, but I'm just not used to being able to do it. It was a pretty nice cage...
But I need to fly.