I woke up this morning to a phone call from my best friend. She's pregnant. Her husband was screaming in the background completely overjoyed, but she sounded nervous as hell. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm happy for them if thats what they really wanted, but personally I don't think she needs another child. Her reason for wanting another is she doesnt want her son to be an only child. She thinks he's lonely. She sees my twins & how they're such great company for each other & she wants that for her son. Being an only child myself I tried to explain the perks, I promised her I was never lonely, that I never for a second wished I had a sibling, that I actually enjoyed my quiet time alone. I just worry because her husband doesnt work right now, shes super stressed, & all the responsibility will fall on her. I can only offer moral support because my plate is full just trying to take care of my own. I'll keep my fingers crossed & just hope everything works out for the best, I'm just glad it's not me..... Other than that I got my new couch Saturday which is great because I was getting a flat butt from sitting on wooden folding chairs. It will probably take me at least a year to pay it off, but it's worth it. I spend so much time at home that I want it to look nice & be comfortable. Unfortunately I have expensive tastes when it comes to decorating.......I have a permanant smile on my face lately thanks to a certain member of this site. I don't want to give away his identity (for his own privacy), but he knows who he is & thats all that matters. He's so perfect for me in every way. I'm very happy he found me
i think the pregnancy will treat her well. ... its lovely news ..
Sorry to hear of the problems concerning your friend. However having a child for the purposes of gaining a sibling mat not be all that bad. Having a child to perhaps save a marriage would be a big mistake and since that is not the case perhaps all will go well, especially when she has the support of a friend such as youself. Glad to hear you are enjoying the comfort of your new couch, hope you find someone to snuggle w/ on it. Perhaps that LUCKY BASTARD you speak of?