It was suggested that in order to make some friends here I should start my journal. I do agree, but I'm a very guarded person & don't know how to go about opening up like alot of u do. I wasn't always like this, & I really hate being this way but to many people drove me to it. I've been too trusting, to gullible, and because of people having taken advantage of those flaws, as I now see them to be, here I am. Bitter, angry, untrusting, cynical & alone.
Look I understand I always have been. I don't think I've really opened up to anyone here. Its nothing against anyone here.
I'm also very poor at saying what I want in this medium (unfortunate considering the fact I'm a playwright but hey).
This is a place like any other I suppose. Good, bad, mad, sad, and everything in between.
Personally I don't see them as flaws, I just see them like most things as been double-eged. I used to envy those who could trust, for I have only rarely ever done so. I envied those who could believe the best in people when for a long time I could only believe the worst.
Every position has its advantages and disadvantages I suppose, though its been said, I'll second the balance comment.
Just talk shit, it works for a lot of people here, including myself.