Busy, busy, busy bee.
Let's see. What all have I been up to the last couple of days?
Well, I finally got my new phone activated. The story is really quite involved and long, so lets just say that I had to jump through so many fucking hoops that I thought I was at a dog trial. I have it now, though, so yippie for that.
I set up a wireless network in my house last night, so now I can wander all over the place and still write you you all. Again, yippie.
*Why is my cat so fat? I know that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand, but I am looking at him and damn. He's really quite tubby.
I had to go all over the place today so that I could get all the paperwork in order to get my residency for New Zealand. It's not citizenship, but it will allow me to travel there anytime, no hassle. I can also stay there as long as I want as opposed to before when every month or two I had to hop over to Fiji for 24 hours then come back,
It's also nice because I will now have 2 passports. That way I can fly around under my New Zealand one which, as we all know, is a hell of a lot safer then my US one. This also will come in handy if this country ever gets just a little too hot for my liking. It's already quite ridiculous, but it can always get worse.
The only problem is that they want every piece of information you could possibly think of! They want tattoos, chest x-rays, fingerprints, PAP SMEAR, eye exam, PEE TESTS, you fucking name it. I feel like a piece of livestock.
In other news...
...well there really isn't any other news.
Pathetic, huh? ♥
1. If you could meet any celebrity and ask them whatever you wanted, who would it be? What would one of the questions be?
2. If you could meet anybody, famous or not, and ask questions, who then? The question?
Rule: Must be a living person.
Let's see. What all have I been up to the last couple of days?
Well, I finally got my new phone activated. The story is really quite involved and long, so lets just say that I had to jump through so many fucking hoops that I thought I was at a dog trial. I have it now, though, so yippie for that.
I set up a wireless network in my house last night, so now I can wander all over the place and still write you you all. Again, yippie.
*Why is my cat so fat? I know that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand, but I am looking at him and damn. He's really quite tubby.
I had to go all over the place today so that I could get all the paperwork in order to get my residency for New Zealand. It's not citizenship, but it will allow me to travel there anytime, no hassle. I can also stay there as long as I want as opposed to before when every month or two I had to hop over to Fiji for 24 hours then come back,
It's also nice because I will now have 2 passports. That way I can fly around under my New Zealand one which, as we all know, is a hell of a lot safer then my US one. This also will come in handy if this country ever gets just a little too hot for my liking. It's already quite ridiculous, but it can always get worse.
The only problem is that they want every piece of information you could possibly think of! They want tattoos, chest x-rays, fingerprints, PAP SMEAR, eye exam, PEE TESTS, you fucking name it. I feel like a piece of livestock.
In other news...
...well there really isn't any other news.

Pathetic, huh? ♥

1. If you could meet any celebrity and ask them whatever you wanted, who would it be? What would one of the questions be?
2. If you could meet anybody, famous or not, and ask questions, who then? The question?
Rule: Must be a living person.
So call me, or find me on AIM or something. I happen to know you have some time on your hands this weekend.