*Time started: 10:59 am
*Name: Rowan.
*Nickname: When I was a baby I was both fat and clumsy. Thus my nickname was Boomer.
*Single or Taken: Taken.
*Sex: Yes.
*Birthday: March 10th.
*Sign: Fishy.
*Siblings: 2 half sisters.
*Hair color: Black/Dark brown.
*Eye color: Blue.
*Shoe size: UK5.
*Height: 5' 3"
*Innie or Outie: Innie.
*What are you wearing right now: Sweatpants and a home-altered T-shirt.
*Where do you live: Seattle
*Righty or lefty: Righty
*Who are your closest friends?: Miss Rai and Amanda.
*Best place to go for a date: Plays.
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: Uhh...Urban Outfitters, Thrift, Cut + Paste, Nordstrom.
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Uhhh...
*Color: Blue.
*Number(s): 5, 8
*Food: Italian and Thai.
*Boys name: I have no idea.
*Girls name: Ditto.
*Subject in school: Drama/Art/English.
*Animal: Cats, snakes, rats, pigs.
*Drink: Water and herbal tea.
*Celebrity: Winona Rider...
*Sport: The only one I watch is boxing.
*Veggie: All of them!
*Fruit: Ooo! All of these too! Oh, except for pears.
*Fast food place: I hate fast food, but if I had to pick...Subway.
*Place to visit: UK and Sweden.
*Month: October.
*Juice: Orange Banana Pineapple (I think Dole makes it).
*Finger: Huh? The first two.
*Ice Cream: Pistachio.
*Breakfast: Sharp cheese, olive bread, and fruit.
*Perfume/Cologne: I don't really like perfume. I wear herbals...Lavender and Lemongrass.
Have You Ever
*Given anyone a bath: I do all the time for friends when they don't feel well.
*Smoked: Ick. No.
*Bungee jumped: Heights + Ro =
*Broken the law: Once or twice. Nothing major.
*Made yourself throw-up: No.
*Gone skinny dipping: All the time when I was a kid.
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: Unfortunately, yea.
*Eaten a dog biscuit: Uhh....no?
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Hey, I saw A Christmas Story. I'm not that stupid!
*Loved someone that made you cry?: Yes.
*Played truth or dare: Of course.
*Been in a physical fight: One time...and I jammed her locker with her head.
*Been in a police car: Nope.
*Been on a plane: At least 5-6 times a year.
*Been in a sauna: MMmm....yes!
*Been in a hot tub: I hate them, but I've been in 'em.
*Swam in the ocean: In every ocean in the world (including Arctic)
*Fallen asleep in school: Only once or twice.
*Ever had a sex dream: Not often enough.
*Broken someone's heart: Not on purpose.
*Cried when someone died: I still do.
*Flashed someone: Yea, and I am always sober so I have no excuse.
*Lied: Who...me?
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: I am such a fucking klutz.
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Not for some guy!
*Saved e-mails: I categorize them...
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: Only for the privileges men have...but I like my pussy, thanks.
*Made out with JUST a friend?: Mmmm...I love making out.
*Been rejected? No, but I have always dated long term.
*Been in love? Yes.
*Used someone: Never meaning to.
*Been cheated on? Oh yes.
*Done something you regret? No. The things I do got me here.
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: Dress.
*Blue: Bird.
*Happy: Laughing kids.
*Autumn: Overcast, drizzling, and me in a sweater.
*Cow: The 300+ I had as a kid.
*Greenland: Small.
*Your good luck charm: I have this rock that I never leave home without.
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: Where to start...
*Your crush: Oooo....letigre.
*Your most prized possession: Pharaoh!!!
*Last thing you ate: Fruit snacks.
*Fave song: Umm...I listened to the Scissor Sisters this morning...
*Thing that has happened to you this year: New car, new computer, started school again, went home to NZ...lots.
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: I think so...
*Sore Throat: All the time.
*Cold: Who hasn't?
*Stitches: Nope.
*Bloody nose: Never.
*Crabs: Ick! No.
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: Yes.
*Enjoy parks: I like actual outside...not contrived nature.
*Like picnics: I have never been on one.
*Like school: Depends on the class.
*What schools have you gone to: High school and two colleges.
*Hate anyone: Only like two people.
*Who: It's irrelevant.
*Who is the last person that called you: Amanda.
*Makes you laugh the most: Mr_Sadface
*Makes you smile: Amanda.
*Can make you feel better no matter what: Miss Rai.
*Was the last person you touched? Mr_Sadface.
*You talked to last: Amanda.
*You hugged?: Mr_Sadface
*Massaged: Myself.
*You Kissed?: Rob.
*You yelled at: I can't remember the last time I yelled.
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: For the most part, yea!
*Do you get along with your family: Some of them.
*Do you do drugs: Not a one.
*Color your hair?: All the time.
*Piercings below the waist?: I like Vageena just the way she is!
*Habla espanol: Uh no.
*Stolen anything ever? Does music and software count?
*Obsessive: About quite a bit.
*Compulsive: About the same things I obsess about.
*Anorexic: Ick no. I love food WAY too much.
*Depressed?: I skate the edge.
*Suicidal?: No, it's selfish.
*what time is it now?: 11:30. ♥
Ask me a question (or a couple). I will answer truthfully no matter what. Ask away!
*Name: Rowan.
*Nickname: When I was a baby I was both fat and clumsy. Thus my nickname was Boomer.
*Single or Taken: Taken.
*Sex: Yes.
*Birthday: March 10th.
*Sign: Fishy.
*Siblings: 2 half sisters.
*Hair color: Black/Dark brown.
*Eye color: Blue.
*Shoe size: UK5.
*Height: 5' 3"
*Innie or Outie: Innie.
*What are you wearing right now: Sweatpants and a home-altered T-shirt.
*Where do you live: Seattle
*Righty or lefty: Righty
*Who are your closest friends?: Miss Rai and Amanda.
*Best place to go for a date: Plays.
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: Uhh...Urban Outfitters, Thrift, Cut + Paste, Nordstrom.
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Uhhh...
*Color: Blue.
*Number(s): 5, 8
*Food: Italian and Thai.
*Boys name: I have no idea.
*Girls name: Ditto.
*Subject in school: Drama/Art/English.
*Animal: Cats, snakes, rats, pigs.
*Drink: Water and herbal tea.
*Celebrity: Winona Rider...

*Sport: The only one I watch is boxing.
*Veggie: All of them!
*Fruit: Ooo! All of these too! Oh, except for pears.
*Fast food place: I hate fast food, but if I had to pick...Subway.
*Place to visit: UK and Sweden.
*Month: October.
*Juice: Orange Banana Pineapple (I think Dole makes it).
*Finger: Huh? The first two.

*Ice Cream: Pistachio.
*Breakfast: Sharp cheese, olive bread, and fruit.
*Perfume/Cologne: I don't really like perfume. I wear herbals...Lavender and Lemongrass.
Have You Ever
*Given anyone a bath: I do all the time for friends when they don't feel well.
*Smoked: Ick. No.
*Bungee jumped: Heights + Ro =

*Broken the law: Once or twice. Nothing major.
*Made yourself throw-up: No.
*Gone skinny dipping: All the time when I was a kid.
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: Unfortunately, yea.

*Eaten a dog biscuit: Uhh....no?
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Hey, I saw A Christmas Story. I'm not that stupid!
*Loved someone that made you cry?: Yes.
*Played truth or dare: Of course.
*Been in a physical fight: One time...and I jammed her locker with her head.
*Been in a police car: Nope.
*Been on a plane: At least 5-6 times a year.
*Been in a sauna: MMmm....yes!
*Been in a hot tub: I hate them, but I've been in 'em.
*Swam in the ocean: In every ocean in the world (including Arctic)
*Fallen asleep in school: Only once or twice.
*Ever had a sex dream: Not often enough.
*Broken someone's heart: Not on purpose.
*Cried when someone died: I still do.
*Flashed someone: Yea, and I am always sober so I have no excuse.
*Lied: Who...me?
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: I am such a fucking klutz.
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Not for some guy!
*Saved e-mails: I categorize them...

*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: Only for the privileges men have...but I like my pussy, thanks.
*Made out with JUST a friend?: Mmmm...I love making out.
*Been rejected? No, but I have always dated long term.
*Been in love? Yes.
*Used someone: Never meaning to.
*Been cheated on? Oh yes.
*Done something you regret? No. The things I do got me here.
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: Dress.
*Blue: Bird.
*Happy: Laughing kids.
*Autumn: Overcast, drizzling, and me in a sweater.
*Cow: The 300+ I had as a kid.
*Greenland: Small.
*Your good luck charm: I have this rock that I never leave home without.
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: Where to start...
*Your crush: Oooo....letigre.
*Your most prized possession: Pharaoh!!!
*Last thing you ate: Fruit snacks.
*Fave song: Umm...I listened to the Scissor Sisters this morning...
*Thing that has happened to you this year: New car, new computer, started school again, went home to NZ...lots.
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: I think so...

*Sore Throat: All the time.
*Cold: Who hasn't?
*Stitches: Nope.

*Bloody nose: Never.
*Crabs: Ick! No.

Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: Yes.
*Enjoy parks: I like actual outside...not contrived nature.
*Like picnics: I have never been on one.
*Like school: Depends on the class.
*What schools have you gone to: High school and two colleges.
*Hate anyone: Only like two people.
*Who: It's irrelevant.
*Who is the last person that called you: Amanda.
*Makes you laugh the most: Mr_Sadface
*Makes you smile: Amanda.
*Can make you feel better no matter what: Miss Rai.
*Was the last person you touched? Mr_Sadface.
*You talked to last: Amanda.
*You hugged?: Mr_Sadface
*Massaged: Myself.
*You Kissed?: Rob.
*You yelled at: I can't remember the last time I yelled.
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: For the most part, yea!
*Do you get along with your family: Some of them.
*Do you do drugs: Not a one.
*Color your hair?: All the time.
*Piercings below the waist?: I like Vageena just the way she is!
*Habla espanol: Uh no.
*Stolen anything ever? Does music and software count?
*Obsessive: About quite a bit.
*Compulsive: About the same things I obsess about.
*Anorexic: Ick no. I love food WAY too much.
*Depressed?: I skate the edge.
*Suicidal?: No, it's selfish.
*what time is it now?: 11:30. ♥

Ask me a question (or a couple). I will answer truthfully no matter what. Ask away!

edited cause i thought of another question
did you replace the batteries in all your flash lights???
last night 4 of my flash lights burned out on me and i remembered your story when all your flash lights died on you and today even though i was out forgot to buy batteries although one of them is rechargeable and is now fully charged
[Edited on Jun 01, 2005 1:51AM]