Tasks are DONE!!! YAY!!!
Okay. So...
Task for Ro... I say that you put on a cute little hat and take a picture of your pretty face for Jinxi... please.....
Ahh! I shall put on the funniest hat I can find!
OK, private....20 pushups...
in the nude if you like.
Well, not *quite* nekkie, but you all will be getting enough of that later!
Kiss your fat cat for me, I miss my pets.
Awkkk! Here's to you!
Task: Pictures of every naked muscle and body part that was overworked in the last week.
I picked one muscle! Behold!
Movin right along!!!
I would like to see how you use all 4 of those flash lights at once from life round here folder #7 with a full body shot and perhaps bare feet.
Ahh! First nekkie picture!!! Look out!
Letigre & Sequoia:
I think you should roll around nekkie with your kitty.
I second le tigre's assignment... roll around nekki with your kitty.
Your wish, beautiful ladies, is my command.
StrongMad & Bird:
Well, those two said alot of stuff. But, most clearly, they asked about Mr. Sadface. Well, have no fear. Mr. Sadface is as healthy, raunchy, and sad as ever!
Soma & Helena:
You are so fucking sweet and yes! I want to see some swimsuit pics!!! *oops was that exuberant to the point of being creepy?
Bathing suit pictures!!! woooo.
Well, just a wee bit. But I like creepy. (sshhh....)
Here you go, pretties.
Smiler & KikiBH:
Jump up and down like a little kid on your bed (Nudity is allowed) try its fun.
I'm going to have to second smiley's suggestion: naked bed jumping is the way to go!
Well, I *did* jump around quite a bit. But, alas, jumping naked is not the sexiest thing to take a picture of, so I decided to take one of me right after instead!
I think you should blow bubbles in your drink cos that always makes me laugh, and its the only random thing i can think of doing at the moment, bubbles are so bloody cool.
I can do random! I love bubbles in drinks too. This calls for a glass of soy milk!
I think you should drink a glass of water.....SEXILY
Task for the day - Do you have a bath in your house? Have a long bath with a glass or five of wine.
Well, I am Straight Edge, so no drinking. But I will blow bubbles instead!!!
And last but not least.....
Hmm...How about a freshly showered nudie pic? That would be oh so sexy... and clean! Have a wonderful day, Rowan!
Why thank you! I did! And now it's a quick shower and then off to bed...and dreams of SG Land...
Night night, pretty things.
Okay. So...

Task for Ro... I say that you put on a cute little hat and take a picture of your pretty face for Jinxi... please.....
Ahh! I shall put on the funniest hat I can find!

OK, private....20 pushups...
in the nude if you like.
Well, not *quite* nekkie, but you all will be getting enough of that later!

Kiss your fat cat for me, I miss my pets.
Awkkk! Here's to you!

Task: Pictures of every naked muscle and body part that was overworked in the last week.
I picked one muscle! Behold!

I would like to see how you use all 4 of those flash lights at once from life round here folder #7 with a full body shot and perhaps bare feet.
Ahh! First nekkie picture!!! Look out!

I think you should roll around nekkie with your kitty.
I second le tigre's assignment... roll around nekki with your kitty.
Your wish, beautiful ladies, is my command.

Well, those two said alot of stuff. But, most clearly, they asked about Mr. Sadface. Well, have no fear. Mr. Sadface is as healthy, raunchy, and sad as ever!

You are so fucking sweet and yes! I want to see some swimsuit pics!!! *oops was that exuberant to the point of being creepy?
Bathing suit pictures!!! woooo.
Well, just a wee bit. But I like creepy. (sshhh....)

Jump up and down like a little kid on your bed (Nudity is allowed) try its fun.
I'm going to have to second smiley's suggestion: naked bed jumping is the way to go!
Well, I *did* jump around quite a bit. But, alas, jumping naked is not the sexiest thing to take a picture of, so I decided to take one of me right after instead!

I think you should blow bubbles in your drink cos that always makes me laugh, and its the only random thing i can think of doing at the moment, bubbles are so bloody cool.
I can do random! I love bubbles in drinks too. This calls for a glass of soy milk!

I think you should drink a glass of water.....SEXILY

Task for the day - Do you have a bath in your house? Have a long bath with a glass or five of wine.
Well, I am Straight Edge, so no drinking. But I will blow bubbles instead!!!

And last but not least.....

Hmm...How about a freshly showered nudie pic? That would be oh so sexy... and clean! Have a wonderful day, Rowan!
Why thank you! I did! And now it's a quick shower and then off to bed...and dreams of SG Land...

Night night, pretty things.

Thanks for the fat kitty pic...it made me smile.
(Paranoid much?