Hmm...not much to say for the day.
I pretty much wandered around in a slow shuffle, my body throbbing in about every place conceivable. Don't get me wrong, each little mod on its own is not that painful. But the combined feeling of have THIS be aching and THAT be tender is IRRITATING as fuck! Grrr....
I made burritos for dinner. Veggie refried beans, fried tofu, and all the fixins! Yummy
Rob and I are leaving for Portland tomorrow about noon, so I won't be updating tomorrow. I will be sure to stop by on Saturday though. I hope everyone has a snazzy weekend and I will chat with everyone lata.' Tata! <3

I pretty much wandered around in a slow shuffle, my body throbbing in about every place conceivable. Don't get me wrong, each little mod on its own is not that painful. But the combined feeling of have THIS be aching and THAT be tender is IRRITATING as fuck! Grrr....

I made burritos for dinner. Veggie refried beans, fried tofu, and all the fixins! Yummy

Rob and I are leaving for Portland tomorrow about noon, so I won't be updating tomorrow. I will be sure to stop by on Saturday though. I hope everyone has a snazzy weekend and I will chat with everyone lata.' Tata! <3
i really like being able to see all my friends pics so when i added you i had to delete this dude that i never talk to. hee hee. i hope he's not offended. (hey i just put you over the limit for pics on your friends list too didn't i... heh)
that's crazy about elk, but funny. where was this wonderful farm that you grew up on? *jealous*
i've spent my fair share of time on farms for a city girl, but damn that would be so nice to have grown up on one, in one place too. le sigh.
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for now.
oh if you hear me crying out for some irish in you all you know ijust inherited a group git to stop leaving posts when drunk
P.S. hope you can read this I'm well eh 'sober'