I think I'm coming down with the flu. I feel blah, no energy. Have to work doubles the next two days. So, I won't get rest until Saturday.
Christmas was really good. My daughter gave me a card that read: "Your more then my Dad, Your also one of my Best Friends" It brought tears to my eyes. She loved the little white dress and black cashmere top I got her. My son just kepts looking at his PSP. I don't think he knew what it was. But, this weekend I will show him how it works and then he will love it, I'm sure.
Here is a qoute from Bill Maher's new book: NEW RULE. ONLY BEGOTTEN SONY- "If you have to set up a big-screen tv and show the Daytona 500 to get people into your chruch, as one chruch in Frederickburg, Virgina, does, then your flock is not worshipping Jesus, they are worshipping Dale Earnhardt, Jr. and there's a difference. One is the son of God, and the other died on a cross for your sins.
Just thought is was funny and wanted to share.
Wednesday, Jan. 4 I'm going to get more color put in on my tattoo
Happy New Year
Christmas was really good. My daughter gave me a card that read: "Your more then my Dad, Your also one of my Best Friends" It brought tears to my eyes. She loved the little white dress and black cashmere top I got her. My son just kepts looking at his PSP. I don't think he knew what it was. But, this weekend I will show him how it works and then he will love it, I'm sure.
Here is a qoute from Bill Maher's new book: NEW RULE. ONLY BEGOTTEN SONY- "If you have to set up a big-screen tv and show the Daytona 500 to get people into your chruch, as one chruch in Frederickburg, Virgina, does, then your flock is not worshipping Jesus, they are worshipping Dale Earnhardt, Jr. and there's a difference. One is the son of God, and the other died on a cross for your sins.
Just thought is was funny and wanted to share.
Wednesday, Jan. 4 I'm going to get more color put in on my tattoo

Happy New Year

it's noon
For most of my life I didn't get up until noon. This getting up at 4 in the morning is for the birds