It has been a busy week with dive season starting up.
Also have joined a local 'hiking' group (more of a 3mile stroll along the river) on Tues and Thur. If I can get my endruace back up, I am hoping ot switch over to the local rugby team by May. Have to see if my fallen arches can handle the distance before I start running on them.
Was going to have this weekend off and stay in town. But after an invite yesterday, I have made arrangements to go to Myrtle Beach for the "BP-25" dive. It is a 160ft long British tanker that was sunk to 90ft depth as part of the South Carolina Reef program. It has been down about 20 years now. Should be a sensational dive with a lot of great marine life.
Hope everyone is having a great week... hugs and kisses XOXOXO
Also have joined a local 'hiking' group (more of a 3mile stroll along the river) on Tues and Thur. If I can get my endruace back up, I am hoping ot switch over to the local rugby team by May. Have to see if my fallen arches can handle the distance before I start running on them.
Was going to have this weekend off and stay in town. But after an invite yesterday, I have made arrangements to go to Myrtle Beach for the "BP-25" dive. It is a 160ft long British tanker that was sunk to 90ft depth as part of the South Carolina Reef program. It has been down about 20 years now. Should be a sensational dive with a lot of great marine life.
Hope everyone is having a great week... hugs and kisses XOXOXO