Been away for a while. Got really involved in SCUBA diving and a local hiking group. Have a huge 9 dive trip this Memorial Day weekend. Heading down to West Palm Beach, FL. When I get back, I ope to get some time to get back to all my friends here. Until then, have fun and dont get caught !
It has been a busy week with dive season starting up.

Also have joined a local 'hiking' group (more of a 3mile stroll along the river) on Tues and Thur. If I can get my endruace back up, I am hoping ot switch over to the local rugby team by May. Have to see if my fallen arches can handle the distance before I start...
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Made the decision to stay in Columbia for at least a year (accepted a job offer with bonus). So I got on the boards looking for things to do and groups to do them with. Now I am having to find time to sleep *laugh*

March 16th Weekend I am diving in Crystal River, FL.
March 23th weekend I am going to be in Middle...
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Driving out to Atlanta. Planing on being in the water by 8:30am in the morning. After the confined dive this weekend all I have left is the open water dive in Florida in 2 weeks. Then start planing my travel for summer diving WHOOT !
Things seldom work out the way they were intended Went to a local Columbia ClubRA. Had won 10 guest tickets, had 6 confirmed, all canceled last minute (4 due to a broken car enroute). The club has a $20 cover so I grabbed a random group in the parking lot and walked in. Had a BLAST.

Seems Friday nights is "Playmate Fridays" where they fly...
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Working on stiring up intrest in the SGSC group for a "club-a-month" get together. Hoping to get enough to evetually include snowboarding, rafting, shopping, beach trips, etc...

... but I just won 10 tickets to the Columbia ClubRA for this friday the 23rd. Part of a local radio station (WNOK) contest. The first round is also on the radio station. Grand Prize will be drawn...
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kiss blush kiss blush Just wanted to say thank you for the comment!
busy busy... confirmed my dive instructions / class for March 3/4 in Atlanta, GA and Open water dive cert in FL on March 17th. Just back to Columbia from visiting in Middle GA... Lots of driving and phone calls. hope everyone had a BLAST for a weekend. I am going to crash before work tomorrow. night and out..
Ok trying to get better about updating and blogging...
Starting to flesh out my March Madness.. 1st Blue Man Performance, 4th Dive class, 17th open water cert dive, and starting to plan a weekend for heavy clubbing. Paintball season is starting up soon so will have to get my marker ready. And there is a Bull Riding show I want to catch later in the...
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Life has a way fo sneaking up and kidnapping people. I have not logged in for a while, but I am back until the next mid-life romp. Don't be a stranger and toss me some love...
I have never been good at keeping a blog. Excuse the sparse entries. Dont take it personal though. I also change hobbies as my interests and mood change.

That said, I have been hibernating recently. My time has shifted back to the computer as I have been relearning some new software versions. I have been mainly working on graphics (retouching, background swaps, signature graphic for...
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