Hi guys and gals, hope all is well.
Two things; please continue with the love for Horcrux & Epeolatry so we can possibly see them on the front page. I adore working for SG but if my sets don't get bought I won't be able to afford keep doing anymore really! Quite a lot of time and money goes into creating these sets you see.
As some of you may know I'm attending the Paris shootfest in June that has been painstakingly organised by French hopeful @gladyce. Unfortunately a few girls have dropped out and failed to make payments that were being relied upon (no hate please, circumstances happen!). As a result there is a deficit in the budget for the accommodation to be paid for. Why am I telling you this I hear you ask? Well I shall provide you with a link that should you choose, will allow you to donate to the kitty. All those who do will be added to a secret group on Facebook and be privvy to all the behind the scenes action and previews of sets.
The link is Here 💝
So with that in mind, where are you guys off on holiday this year?