So an update is indeed due, though I would much rather be eating cookies right now. I suppose I can due both.
The teeny art projects have faded off again, leaving me with less than satisfying results. I have a lot of time this week, so I get to choose between going out (which never really satisfies), drawing or reading. I picked up a really good book the other day about the history of the smile. It goes in depth on theories of where the smile developed and which meanings it's picked up today. Things we still misinterpret and other such nonsense. It's very good so far. It's written by some aurstrain man named, Angus Trumble.
and I'm spent.
The teeny art projects have faded off again, leaving me with less than satisfying results. I have a lot of time this week, so I get to choose between going out (which never really satisfies), drawing or reading. I picked up a really good book the other day about the history of the smile. It goes in depth on theories of where the smile developed and which meanings it's picked up today. Things we still misinterpret and other such nonsense. It's very good so far. It's written by some aurstrain man named, Angus Trumble.


I have Peanut Butter cookies, which make me happy. Well happy until I realize I have a allergy to them, happy until my throat closes up and my heart stops. *sigh* (I have a weird sense of humour.)