I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that torihoney and I were being hunted down by 'land pirates' they were like mongolian hole diggers. We were hiding in this house next to a stream... bullets were flying everywhere. These 'land pirates' were supposedly the most intense killers in the world. They would hide in crevaces, and seek up on people so easily, you never had a chance. We were fine, we ended up sailing down the river in a very disneyesk ending, with corney jokes and all. The strange thing was though, was that this river made reference to another dream. Like, even in the dream I said, "Every town has streams like this, just like the Elephant town." Which was a complete reference to another dream from like.... a month ago.
I don't know, a lot of my dreams have references likes that, they take place in the sames fictoral towns and stuff. I just find it interesting.
I don't know, a lot of my dreams have references likes that, they take place in the sames fictoral towns and stuff. I just find it interesting.

p.s. was i wearing any clothes at the time? or just my big bird head? eh... just kidding. had fun with you tonight. where is your pretty face on your profile? and i like your hair soft and fluffy just as well, and don't worry... you could never look like a boy.
your makeup in that "march 22nd" pic is way cool btw :]