My eyes are so tired from trying to size stupid pictures. It just took me like.... 30 minutes to figure out all I had to do was deselect a box and I could manuelly adjust my stinkn' picture. BARGH!
Okay, I feel a little better now... the mental release cannot begin without some stupidity. I've been becoming better friends with a girl I've been aquatences with for quiet some time. As funny as this sounds, it's almost weird to make friends, to 'hang out' and stuff. I never really realized how much I've distanced myself from everything unwork related. Even though I work with this girl, but it's nice to not... well, try not to talk about work. After a few shitty friendships I completely gave up on it. Not that I think everyone is like the friends I had, but I was so sick of being the ear and the relationships I shared. My last good friend just talked so damn much... it was like her entire thought process was just spilling out of her mouth. ugh... This other girl- Amy is fun though... nice and unselfish like.
I'm done. I just wanted to rant because I have a friend.
I've decided that the hair will go, as soon as I find the time!
Okay, I feel a little better now... the mental release cannot begin without some stupidity. I've been becoming better friends with a girl I've been aquatences with for quiet some time. As funny as this sounds, it's almost weird to make friends, to 'hang out' and stuff. I never really realized how much I've distanced myself from everything unwork related. Even though I work with this girl, but it's nice to not... well, try not to talk about work. After a few shitty friendships I completely gave up on it. Not that I think everyone is like the friends I had, but I was so sick of being the ear and the relationships I shared. My last good friend just talked so damn much... it was like her entire thought process was just spilling out of her mouth. ugh... This other girl- Amy is fun though... nice and unselfish like.
I'm done. I just wanted to rant because I have a friend.

I've decided that the hair will go, as soon as I find the time!

Have a great weekend!