Well, I made my movie debut a few days ago. A friend of mine is redoing an older film called "Naked". It's a low budget affair. Well, even lower than the original. I was drinking with one of my friends in a bar. The movie guys band was playing in it and filming some scenes. My friend and I were asked to be in a scene where we get into a bar fight over a pool game. The fight spills out into the street and I level the main character as i get pushed out the door. It was a lot of fun. I couldn't believe that they kept the scene. We are even getting paid. So I hope it does well, because my pay is based on a percentage of the films gross. We weren't given any lines and made it up as we went. The plus is I got to call someone an "assfuck" in a movie. Hey it was the first thing that came to mind. The movie has been submitted to Sundance, we'll see what happens. Oh it's called "Naked Arcadia" look for it!
More Blogs
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Monday Feb 02, 2004
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Tuesday Jan 20, 2004
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Friday Jan 09, 2004
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Thursday Jan 08, 2004
Woohoo!! New pictures! -
Friday Jan 02, 2004
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