What a beautiful Sunday! The leaves are almost out and you can tell that summer is rapidly approaching. I went out and walked around FOREVER today, it was absolutely perfect! Bought myself a latte, almost bought myself a terribly sexy dress (but held back at the last moment, I need to be saving for more important things...like shoes and lingerie...) Katie discoverd a Puma store so we headed over there. It's down at the intersection of N. Rush and N. State and wow, what a nice area. It really reminds me of a super-uppity and urban version of Arlington in MA...tree lined streets, side walk cafes, the Prada store...how fabulous! I was tempted to purchase another pair of red and green shoes but also held myself back. I don't need another pair of Pumas and besides, I haven't even started working yet!!
Tonight I plan to practice like a motherfucker. I'm playing Gary Shocker's "Regrets and Resolutions" for studio class on the 26th (Mary still wants me to play, but that's a long story for another day) and really want to own in my lesson tomorrow to prove that I am just as good as the other freshman. I may not be as technically far along as the others, but I am just as and if not more so musical than some of the freshman girls.
I spoke to my mom today and we talked about housing at Berklee for next year, and she agrees that living off campus is more practical. I brought up the fact that Greg's roommates are moving out and she didn't seem too put-off by the idea, and in fact seemed glad that I have a backup plan. I'm amazed--I was really expecting her to shoot me down. I guess she's finally come to the realization that I am mature enough to live with a guy, thank god. She said that we would discuss it later (I hear back from housing in two weeks) and so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I do not get a space. I want to live with Gregory!!
I've been really kicking up the workout routine lately and it feels so good. I'm really getting in shape and I love it! My legs are really toning up and my shoulders look great too. I need to do more crunches and ab workouts but whatever, I've got a super-thin waist anyway so I'm not too focused on getting toned there (even though it would look better). I'm all ready for swimsuit season, baby! Now I just need to work out getting some sun and freckles so I don't look quite so ghostly all of the time...
And an amusing picture for you:
My oh my, all decked out and ready for Sunday School! What the hell happened?!
Tonight I plan to practice like a motherfucker. I'm playing Gary Shocker's "Regrets and Resolutions" for studio class on the 26th (Mary still wants me to play, but that's a long story for another day) and really want to own in my lesson tomorrow to prove that I am just as good as the other freshman. I may not be as technically far along as the others, but I am just as and if not more so musical than some of the freshman girls.
I spoke to my mom today and we talked about housing at Berklee for next year, and she agrees that living off campus is more practical. I brought up the fact that Greg's roommates are moving out and she didn't seem too put-off by the idea, and in fact seemed glad that I have a backup plan. I'm amazed--I was really expecting her to shoot me down. I guess she's finally come to the realization that I am mature enough to live with a guy, thank god. She said that we would discuss it later (I hear back from housing in two weeks) and so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I do not get a space. I want to live with Gregory!!
I've been really kicking up the workout routine lately and it feels so good. I'm really getting in shape and I love it! My legs are really toning up and my shoulders look great too. I need to do more crunches and ab workouts but whatever, I've got a super-thin waist anyway so I'm not too focused on getting toned there (even though it would look better). I'm all ready for swimsuit season, baby! Now I just need to work out getting some sun and freckles so I don't look quite so ghostly all of the time...
And an amusing picture for you:

My oh my, all decked out and ready for Sunday School! What the hell happened?!