So i've just got back in... its 9pm and its a sunday.
I feel pretty tired actually but i haven't been just lying around in bed like usual this past week.
So let me think back... what have i been upto these past few days??
My memory really is just attrocious.. i mean if you cant remember your last week of the top of your head there has to be something slightly wrong with your mind.
Friday... well i know i went to a house party in the evening (we'll get to that in a bit).. but what did i do in the day?
I wonder, we'll start off going with simple things i remember and building upwards from there. Ok so i woke up.. thats a given, ah Resident Evil 4 still hadnt shown up, (i've been getting up early all this week in the hopes its here)
I probably then did one of the following 3 things... no actually i remember, i got a phone call, about 12.30pm.
Now when i say i've been getting up early all this week, bear in mind its early for me, this however was quite a late day.. after realising Resident Evil wasnt there it kind of ruined my plans for Resi night so i went back to bed. I got a phone call reminding me that i was actually meant to go to a house party that night problem solved, i now once again had something to do. I think i probably watched a few episodes of Arrested Development and then Mark G (big mark) and Paul came round to see what the plans were for that night. A little later Mark W (little mark) arrived and we proceded to Asda.
40 cans of Fosters, a Bottle of White wine and some Strongbow should cover us. Also we got the required snack food for such an event.
Around to big marks we went.. proceded to nail some cloth to his roof to make it look cool (their idea not mine) and move his couch. Then we came back home, showered got ready, ate some food, then little mark, paul and dan came round..... we went to the Party about 9.30pm. We considered that fashionably late.
However... we show up... no its just us.. its big marks party.. and so far the only people there.. are us.
Fantastic... i'm quite relaxed in the situation though, i feel a bit tired, not really up for a heavy drinking night. We drink some beers watching tv... then a while later people actually show up, no one seems to be drunk though and we sit watching tv a little more.
We all start chatting and drinking and paul ends up offending little mark by calling him.. 'stupid' or something like that.. not a major insult just paul poking at him. Little mark decides to leave mumbling something about 'work to do'..
I feel kinda bad about it, we all do... but at the same time everyone shrugs it off and continues.. there was no need for him to leave, you'd understand if you were there.
I invent a new game while going to the toilet.
Give me a second to explain... it isnt to do with pee'ing on people's walls or anything.
Its called "My Lifes Better Than Your Life". When you dont really know the person your talking to, try suggesting this game. What you do.. is talk about your last day.. week.. last gig you went to... best thing you've done recently.. and make it sound better than it was.
For example.. i was talking to dan and i described my previous day (thursday... stayed in bed all day) as me taking time out to find myself. He described his day involving exercise (going to asda and town) and expanding his mind (reading a book).
I thought of it because i remembered when i first went home after my first term of university a little over a year ago now. Everyone was trying to make their lives sound good or better than everyone elses. Everyone's university.. friends or city were better than the others. I just decided to turn it into a bullshitting game. Anyway... that was just an idea i had for a minute not entirely sure why im mentioning it... lets carry on.
So we all decided to sit out on the roof drinking beers and chatting about random things.. me and dan smoking some weed and the occasional passerby making the mistake of talking to us. I had a really good night actually, a very chilled house party but a good night out all the same.
Lets think... me and dan came back to mine and watched some Tintin while i was falling asleep then we all went to bed.
Saturday.... is Resi here?? is it fuck. The bastards havent delivered it.. they claim on track and trace on the internet that they tried and left a card. LIES i tell you. I decide i'm going to buy it again from town and then just return it when the other one shows up. So i do.
I go for lunch in town with some friends and then we watch the Chelsea game in the pub.. go to Asda (its the place to be...) get some food, grab Lee's 28" tv and head over to Dans for an all nighter Resi session.
Some pizza's lots of weed and a bit of Mario Kart : Double Dash 4 player. A few hours later Hannah's gone to bed, Kev's asleep on the couch and Me and Dan are still playing Resi.. its about 5am and we figure we should call it a night.
We wake up fairly late today, i watch some music channels for a while... then we play more Resi.
Golly gosh what an eventful weekend. However did i cram it all in...... or more impressively.. how did i turn it into such a long journal post? I think i'm going to watch some Arrested Development now and go to sleep.. Ross is tired.... Ross will dream pleasant dreams of men wiearing sackss trying to chop off his head with a chainsaw.
Ahh bed how i've missed you....
My*****NEW IMPROVED******** Radio Station
Currently you'll find the playlist is extremely random just a selection of the Now 800 songs (be thankfull its not 10,000 anymore there was alot of shit in that) i have on my computer in time i think i'll whittle it down to stuff i think thats actually good, Current playlist size is slowly increasing due to me slowly adding the best songs off all of my cds... which takes a while.
If you use winamp click
or if you use windows media player you'll have to copy the url: and paste it into FILE - Open Url.
chances are though you wont bother
just thought i'd put it out there... i've decided to make it a 24hr Radio station anyway because my computer is always on and there's easily enough music on my computer to do the job so listen whenever your bored.
Oh you can also look at the song history here:
***Watch out for occasional IP Changes****
I feel pretty tired actually but i haven't been just lying around in bed like usual this past week.
So let me think back... what have i been upto these past few days??
My memory really is just attrocious.. i mean if you cant remember your last week of the top of your head there has to be something slightly wrong with your mind.
Friday... well i know i went to a house party in the evening (we'll get to that in a bit).. but what did i do in the day?
I wonder, we'll start off going with simple things i remember and building upwards from there. Ok so i woke up.. thats a given, ah Resident Evil 4 still hadnt shown up, (i've been getting up early all this week in the hopes its here)
I probably then did one of the following 3 things... no actually i remember, i got a phone call, about 12.30pm.
Now when i say i've been getting up early all this week, bear in mind its early for me, this however was quite a late day.. after realising Resident Evil wasnt there it kind of ruined my plans for Resi night so i went back to bed. I got a phone call reminding me that i was actually meant to go to a house party that night problem solved, i now once again had something to do. I think i probably watched a few episodes of Arrested Development and then Mark G (big mark) and Paul came round to see what the plans were for that night. A little later Mark W (little mark) arrived and we proceded to Asda.
40 cans of Fosters, a Bottle of White wine and some Strongbow should cover us. Also we got the required snack food for such an event.
Around to big marks we went.. proceded to nail some cloth to his roof to make it look cool (their idea not mine) and move his couch. Then we came back home, showered got ready, ate some food, then little mark, paul and dan came round..... we went to the Party about 9.30pm. We considered that fashionably late.
However... we show up... no its just us.. its big marks party.. and so far the only people there.. are us.
Fantastic... i'm quite relaxed in the situation though, i feel a bit tired, not really up for a heavy drinking night. We drink some beers watching tv... then a while later people actually show up, no one seems to be drunk though and we sit watching tv a little more.
We all start chatting and drinking and paul ends up offending little mark by calling him.. 'stupid' or something like that.. not a major insult just paul poking at him. Little mark decides to leave mumbling something about 'work to do'..
I feel kinda bad about it, we all do... but at the same time everyone shrugs it off and continues.. there was no need for him to leave, you'd understand if you were there.
I invent a new game while going to the toilet.
Give me a second to explain... it isnt to do with pee'ing on people's walls or anything.
Its called "My Lifes Better Than Your Life". When you dont really know the person your talking to, try suggesting this game. What you do.. is talk about your last day.. week.. last gig you went to... best thing you've done recently.. and make it sound better than it was.
For example.. i was talking to dan and i described my previous day (thursday... stayed in bed all day) as me taking time out to find myself. He described his day involving exercise (going to asda and town) and expanding his mind (reading a book).
I thought of it because i remembered when i first went home after my first term of university a little over a year ago now. Everyone was trying to make their lives sound good or better than everyone elses. Everyone's university.. friends or city were better than the others. I just decided to turn it into a bullshitting game. Anyway... that was just an idea i had for a minute not entirely sure why im mentioning it... lets carry on.
So we all decided to sit out on the roof drinking beers and chatting about random things.. me and dan smoking some weed and the occasional passerby making the mistake of talking to us. I had a really good night actually, a very chilled house party but a good night out all the same.
Lets think... me and dan came back to mine and watched some Tintin while i was falling asleep then we all went to bed.
Saturday.... is Resi here?? is it fuck. The bastards havent delivered it.. they claim on track and trace on the internet that they tried and left a card. LIES i tell you. I decide i'm going to buy it again from town and then just return it when the other one shows up. So i do.
I go for lunch in town with some friends and then we watch the Chelsea game in the pub.. go to Asda (its the place to be...) get some food, grab Lee's 28" tv and head over to Dans for an all nighter Resi session.
Some pizza's lots of weed and a bit of Mario Kart : Double Dash 4 player. A few hours later Hannah's gone to bed, Kev's asleep on the couch and Me and Dan are still playing Resi.. its about 5am and we figure we should call it a night.
We wake up fairly late today, i watch some music channels for a while... then we play more Resi.
Golly gosh what an eventful weekend. However did i cram it all in...... or more impressively.. how did i turn it into such a long journal post? I think i'm going to watch some Arrested Development now and go to sleep.. Ross is tired.... Ross will dream pleasant dreams of men wiearing sackss trying to chop off his head with a chainsaw.
Ahh bed how i've missed you....
My*****NEW IMPROVED******** Radio Station
Currently you'll find the playlist is extremely random just a selection of the Now 800 songs (be thankfull its not 10,000 anymore there was alot of shit in that) i have on my computer in time i think i'll whittle it down to stuff i think thats actually good, Current playlist size is slowly increasing due to me slowly adding the best songs off all of my cds... which takes a while.
If you use winamp click
or if you use windows media player you'll have to copy the url: and paste it into FILE - Open Url.
chances are though you wont bother
Oh you can also look at the song history here:
***Watch out for occasional IP Changes****
hit me up on AIM if ya can.