The only thing that annoys me about it is the radio page messes up in Internet Explorer (not Firefox). By messes up i mean the links at the top of the page move slightly.
Anyway thats something i've been doing in the odd minutes here and there recently. I may actually get around to adding some actual content now thats done.
So what have i been upto recently?
Saturday - Work at my shop, out at night to Rescue Rooms, got 4 free drinks from several different people during the night. I also get informed that my hair is a cliche. Super.
Sunday - Work at the shop and unlike my usual hangover days really quite enjoy myself. Go home and collapse into bed eventually watching the Garden State DVD.
Monday - University lectures, food, Kung Fu and off to watch The Decemberists live. Fantastic Gig.
Tuesday - Go to a lecture and attempt to go to my seminar only to find out it hasnt been on in weeks. My lecturer informs me i'd know that if i'd been attending.
In the evening head out to the pub and meet up with Snap. Snap, Septembre and myself then go to the local theatre to watch the greek tragedy(?) The Burial At Thebes. Quite enjoyable but i was quite tired and falling asleep during it.
Wednesday - Work at the shop, Kung Fu and general laziness. Changing the website design and watching Arrested Developments being the highlights. It really was that much of an action packed day.
Today - Wake up late, stroll around town and took a shirt back that i'd bought yesterday for a refund. Tonight it seems i will be going to Rock City, a venue which usually leads me to question everything about the world and its inhabitants. I usually come to the conclusion (after 2 minutes in there) that people in general are idiots.
I'd quite like to have a month where i do nothing but start writing/making comics for my website and listen to great music. Sadly though i have commitments in life so this isnt something which is going to happen.
My grandma is 90 on friday next week. I still dont know what to buy her.
I've got a few peices of work i should be doing but i just dont feel like it at the moment.
Do you like my new profile picture? i've had that one for quite a long time now on my computer.. its from when i posted this in the forums randomly back in april.
I just felt like a change at it was the closest thing to hand.
I should probably be getting a shower and cooking some food. I'm meant to be out soon.
I should have washed some clothes today...
Appologies for the unexciting journal entry. Kinda drifted off at the end a little.
So yeah your welcome to bookmark my site i cant guarentee it'll have anything of interest on it anytime soon(/ever) but you never know, i may suprise myself and become productive.
Extra Update Septembre said i had too much hair so i've chopped about 1/3 to 2/5 of it off.
I get a little carried away with scissors it seems.
If you want to listen to the radio station via winamp click
WINAMP LINK otherwise just open the website and go on the radio page.
Still, she's a hottie whatever.... I would never turn her down...