The Rosspel
Chapter 32
Line 3 - "And so with a smile he departs"
Starring Rosscoe, Septembre and Sufjan Stevens
I'm back!
What you didnt realise i was away?
Well how very dissapointed i am, you obviously havent been reading my journal thoroughly enough!
I suggest you track back to at least 6 months ago and catch up. You know you have the time and dont pretend you have something better to do with it.
Welcome to the Rosspel Chapter 32.
So any good train journey to london requires some comics to read, i took quite a few but these were the only two i managed to read before falling asleep, seems to me going to sleep at 6am that night was a bad idea if staying awake was to be one of my plans.
I also listened to a CD on the trip.. the tracklisting being:
M83 - I Guess I'm Floating
Explosions In The Sky - Your Hand in Mine
Nancy Wilson - Elevator Beat
Ok Go - Oh Lately It's So Quiet
Sufjan Stevens - Concerning The UFO Sighting.....
Sufjan Stevens - They Are Night Zombies!!.......
Sufjan Stevens - Decatur, or Round of Applause.....
Sufjan Stevens - John Wayne Gacy Jr.
Sufjan Stevens - Casmir Pulaski Day
Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah - Over and Over Again
Jeff Buckley - What Will You Say?
Ben Folds - You To Thank
The Stills - Lola Stars and Stripes
Ok Go - A Million Ways
Imogen Heap - The Walk
Now you may comment on it being Sufjan Heavy... but i was going to his gig so it only seemed fair.
Now if you've been good boys and girls and have read my previous journals as instructed. Importantly the Paris SG trip ones this photo will ring a few memories.
Lee you see is the master of in transport sleeping as you can see (he just had his eyes closed). We both slept on the way back but i dont have photos of that, or me sleeping the underground among other things.
Another classic walking through the station shot.
Highlights being Lee's crazy eyes and background blurrage.
I like taking photos of things that say exit... what can i say?
London style photos of walking.
So ended up in Walkabout next door to the Shepherds Bush Empire (venue) for a drink.
I chatted to a few members of my family (on the phone) in the bar inside Sheperds bush then we settled down for the gig.
Have you ever been at a gig where someone just taps the back of your chair constantly? well the guy behind me did it for the first few songs so i nicely asked him to stop in the break, and he did. A bit of a non-story really but it took me a while to decide wether or not to ask him to stop.
Besides that random babbling though the gig was fantastic, pretty much all songs off his Album IIlinois which was fine by me indeed.
You cant tell from my photos but all the band were dressed in cheerleading outfits and performed cheers for pretty much most of their songs before playing them, just a really great show. Worth the travel and ticket fee easily.
Had a few beers in the evening with threepointsix who i hadnt seen all summer and then slept on a put up bed in Lee's living room.
Early start today and catching many methods of transport getting back back just in time for my lecture today (about 1 minute late for it). 1-6pm of lectures and seminars
I'm now tired, sleep time is approaching, first i should cook myself some dinner.
Spagetti Bolognaise tonight I think.
Radio Stuff
So now i've got broadband my internet radioshow is going back up. Its just my playlist on my computer at the moment and every now and again new albums i'm listening to and whatnot.
If you care to listen....
If you use winamp click
or if you use windows media player/(something else) you'll have to copy the url: and paste it into FILE - Open Url.
Any Music Suggestions your welcome to post in my journal.
In a bizarre turn of events people appear to have started listening to my radio show again. For the first few days i had litterally no one at all listen, now today it appears people have been listening for quite a long time. Who they are however is a completely different question.
Thanks to..
Its been super nice talking to you though.
Oh and my request of the day is for lovely testimonials, i will return the favour of course.
And thanks goes out to Sharona1881 and snowballinhell for sending me mail.
I do love getting letters.
Take care and be sure to let me know whats new with you today xx
Update 2: I've just taken a very rusty scalpel approach to my bookmarked as interesting and friends list. I'm in one of those moods again.
Chapter 32
Line 3 - "And so with a smile he departs"
Starring Rosscoe, Septembre and Sufjan Stevens
I'm back!
What you didnt realise i was away?
Well how very dissapointed i am, you obviously havent been reading my journal thoroughly enough!
I suggest you track back to at least 6 months ago and catch up. You know you have the time and dont pretend you have something better to do with it.
Welcome to the Rosspel Chapter 32.
So any good train journey to london requires some comics to read, i took quite a few but these were the only two i managed to read before falling asleep, seems to me going to sleep at 6am that night was a bad idea if staying awake was to be one of my plans.
I also listened to a CD on the trip.. the tracklisting being:
M83 - I Guess I'm Floating
Explosions In The Sky - Your Hand in Mine
Nancy Wilson - Elevator Beat
Ok Go - Oh Lately It's So Quiet
Sufjan Stevens - Concerning The UFO Sighting.....
Sufjan Stevens - They Are Night Zombies!!.......
Sufjan Stevens - Decatur, or Round of Applause.....
Sufjan Stevens - John Wayne Gacy Jr.
Sufjan Stevens - Casmir Pulaski Day
Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah - Over and Over Again
Jeff Buckley - What Will You Say?
Ben Folds - You To Thank
The Stills - Lola Stars and Stripes
Ok Go - A Million Ways
Imogen Heap - The Walk
Now you may comment on it being Sufjan Heavy... but i was going to his gig so it only seemed fair.
Now if you've been good boys and girls and have read my previous journals as instructed. Importantly the Paris SG trip ones this photo will ring a few memories.
Lee you see is the master of in transport sleeping as you can see (he just had his eyes closed). We both slept on the way back but i dont have photos of that, or me sleeping the underground among other things.
Another classic walking through the station shot.
Highlights being Lee's crazy eyes and background blurrage.
I like taking photos of things that say exit... what can i say?
London style photos of walking.
So ended up in Walkabout next door to the Shepherds Bush Empire (venue) for a drink.
I chatted to a few members of my family (on the phone) in the bar inside Sheperds bush then we settled down for the gig.
Have you ever been at a gig where someone just taps the back of your chair constantly? well the guy behind me did it for the first few songs so i nicely asked him to stop in the break, and he did. A bit of a non-story really but it took me a while to decide wether or not to ask him to stop.
Besides that random babbling though the gig was fantastic, pretty much all songs off his Album IIlinois which was fine by me indeed.
You cant tell from my photos but all the band were dressed in cheerleading outfits and performed cheers for pretty much most of their songs before playing them, just a really great show. Worth the travel and ticket fee easily.
Had a few beers in the evening with threepointsix who i hadnt seen all summer and then slept on a put up bed in Lee's living room.
Early start today and catching many methods of transport getting back back just in time for my lecture today (about 1 minute late for it). 1-6pm of lectures and seminars
I'm now tired, sleep time is approaching, first i should cook myself some dinner.
Spagetti Bolognaise tonight I think.
Radio Stuff
So now i've got broadband my internet radioshow is going back up. Its just my playlist on my computer at the moment and every now and again new albums i'm listening to and whatnot.
If you care to listen....
If you use winamp click
or if you use windows media player/(something else) you'll have to copy the url: and paste it into FILE - Open Url.
Any Music Suggestions your welcome to post in my journal.
In a bizarre turn of events people appear to have started listening to my radio show again. For the first few days i had litterally no one at all listen, now today it appears people have been listening for quite a long time. Who they are however is a completely different question.
Thanks to..
Its been super nice talking to you though.
Oh and my request of the day is for lovely testimonials, i will return the favour of course.
And thanks goes out to Sharona1881 and snowballinhell for sending me mail.
I do love getting letters.
Take care and be sure to let me know whats new with you today xx
Update 2: I've just taken a very rusty scalpel approach to my bookmarked as interesting and friends list. I'm in one of those moods again.
It wasn't sarcasm was it?
London looks so amazing! I have to visit there one day.
I need to get away from my computer and actually get out of my apartment (or at least clean my apartment), and I know it. But thanks for the, uh, encouragement.