Listining to: Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
Well tis boxing day and all that so i hope everyone had a good Christmas and all that and got lots of nice things.
I spent last night sleeping on my living room sofa for some reason was comfi but when i woke up it wasnt such a good idea to sleep there as my chest was bad from the cat ah well we learn.
Im back at work tomorrow with a lovely 7-3 shift so that will be fun trying to get up at 5 or 6 to get ready. Payday on friday cant wait might try uping my input from savings from 50 a week to maybe 70 a week and see how i cope like that.
On a good note i managed to win a signed photoset of nightwish so that made me happy just means i now have two sets of megadeth autographs and two sets of nightwish autographs i wonder if the 2nd nightwish set will have Tarja's autograph or not lol.
Do you ever just have a song that you like to listen to all the time no matter what mood? Mine at the mo would have to be ghost love score i really like this song was good hearing it live but with the orchestra and all it would be so much better.
Even better is songs that you listin to the lyrics and can relate them to your life or mood or whatever is going on around you.
Anyways im gona go for now as i think my boxing day dinner is readyish or something like that smells nice.
if i dont post before the new year i hope you have a good one and dont drink too much

But before i go ive decided to say this:
Dont hesitate for a second to tell someone you love them
Sometimes its just too late before you get round to saying it.
Took me over a year to tell my ex that and it really is too late for that. Was thinking of her on xmas eve and xmas day sent a email to her xmas eve im quite proud of as i wrote it all from my heart easy to tell when i do that but its not often.
I will put it up for you too read if you like.
I also had a cry over her on xmas day and my mum knew something was wrong and kept asking me if i was ok i kept lyeing to her and then she asked me in my room and i silently shook my head and cried. she said a nice thing to me. we were both young at the time and if it really is ment to be we will end up back together.
I hope she is right as i miss her so

hey im bored and cant sleep at the mo so I think i will send u a email not that you will read all of it (or at all) or even reply i mean why should you i never replied to yours which i actually still have most of on my other account god im sad.
newhos well its now Christmas already been asked if i wanted to open my gifts but i opted for no as i feel like waiting this time for a change. I think the cat will have fun with all the paper there will be
Maureen still doesnt know about my new tattoo but im sure i will slip up sometime and she will go RARRRRR!!!!!! honestly you would think that she would be used to them i mean i have 7 now and Hugh has them but maybe its as im her baby boy who she tells to get off when i go to hug her. lol
must say this new one really hurts at the mo ah well it made me feel so much better took all the pain away of that girl who i found out is dumping that guy but asking some1 else out so i was soooo right that id get hurt either way guess.
Im listening to Jesus Christ superstar soundtrack right now i really like it im also in love with some nightwish stuff makes me really think about the meanings some relate to me. On the topic of music i really need to find me a nice sad song i used to have a few that got me to cry but as of late i just cant i feel the need to just let it all out but i cant so that sucks.
Was talking about you in work a few days ago was some funny stuff i rembered they were fun days sometimes i sit and wonder why i did what i did and what a dick i was i try not to let it get to me and ali says its only until i find some1 else but deep down i think you have a part of my heart that will be along time to get back for myself. im prob sounding sad silly weird and such but i couldnt care at this time i just want to scream hit something cry just let it all out. had i listened to my mum and Neil id have tried to work things out with you but i wasnt mature enough sadly now i realise but as always its too late and youve moved on and im left with these feelings for you. thinkg about it your myspace name sums it up nicely i didnt say id wait forever i guess that was true.
i know we had our good times i remember lots of fun stuff some silly some just nice.
i rember the museum dark room
i rember meeting you in Belfast and taking you back to my house as i was in my cast
i rember buying u that nighty and not knowing if it would fit so i used my friend Scott
i rember buying you that ring you wanted and people telling me it was like a engagement ring
i rember the HIM concert with the fat lady perving on us
i rember walking in the shopping centre in the rain and just swearing at each other
i rember walking up scrabo with you and lori rory and hugh
i rember your birthday
i rember you buying me tickets to see Dracula
i rember you at the metal night where you asked me if i had something to ask you
i rember being mad at the cinema with you and telling you i wasnt
i rember when you wernt well so i lit the back room full of candles and we watched a dvd
i rember on your bday you were at my house and i bought you a cake and candles and lit them and every1 sang happy birthday to you
i rember too much and all it takes for me to cry is rember.... all the good times i spent with you and knowing what a great person and girlfriend i threw away and treated like shit.
if i was asked if i was happy or ok by anyone id say yes but i know deep down im not im missing apart of me.
i really dont know why im saying all this its all too late and wasnt said at the right time.
this just makes my view on love stronger in my eyes.
I truly dont know what love is until ive had it and then its gone and its too late.
i dont know why i couldnt just say steph i love you so much and you make me so happy. When i think back to good times i still smile but at the same time it just hits me there will never be days like that anymore for me with you.
im sure by now your reading this going hahahah what a sad bustard and telling all your friends about this or something but its not like i will ever see them. but then again how often is it that i sit and type a email this long and just pour out my heart?
i still have the little things you gave me that ment little tome but now they mean a lot now
i still have your letters you wrote me in school
i still have the valentines card you made and sent me
i still have the card you gave me at Dracula
i still have the bracelets and necklace you gave me
i still have the glow in the dark rubber duck
its not much but with my memories its all i have left of you and to me it means the world.
I cant think of much more to type but what i have typed is all from the heart.
so if you do get this far and i will be surprised if you do laugh if you like tell your friend cry do whatever you want with it but what may have taken over a year i finally got round to saying........ steph i loved you then and steph i love you still.