update time once again i think.
well sadly i found out yesterday of the untimely passing of WWE superstar Eddie Gurrero to me this was a shock and is a very sad time for wrestling fans.
i am saddened by the death of one of the wrestling worlds greats another superstar takin from this world too soon. i watched the raw show and i was in tears for most of it. and everytime they played the tribute video as well i went as far to get the song they used for it (johnny cash: hurt) but even just listning to it now brings me out in tears.
R.I.P Eddie Gurrero may you be rembered for the joy you brought to many fans across the world
its strange how the death of someone you didnt know but loved to watch on tv or even see live performing can effect us.
anyway on a better note my Sg stickers and cards came so i am a happy chappy
just have to think of how to use them all now.
also my cat zero is still missing so im now at the stage of if she comes home she does but i do miss her.
many thanks for all the comments and im still loving this site so much all the friends and comments and feed back on my sets has been great thank you
im now back at work after my weeks holiday kinda good to be back as i was bored most of my week off will prob take a week off again in Jan but maybe go to either London or Dublin i think.
Also my back has been sore of late again so im not too happy with that might go to the doctor to see what i can do for it and also ask a few questions about stuff in work.
just going to leave now with a link to my two sets for suicideboys for those who have not seen them as allways comments and feebback welcome its allways good to read what you do or dont like about them and how you think i can improve on them
well thats me for now
i look forward to reading all your comments

well sadly i found out yesterday of the untimely passing of WWE superstar Eddie Gurrero to me this was a shock and is a very sad time for wrestling fans.
i am saddened by the death of one of the wrestling worlds greats another superstar takin from this world too soon. i watched the raw show and i was in tears for most of it. and everytime they played the tribute video as well i went as far to get the song they used for it (johnny cash: hurt) but even just listning to it now brings me out in tears.
R.I.P Eddie Gurrero may you be rembered for the joy you brought to many fans across the world
its strange how the death of someone you didnt know but loved to watch on tv or even see live performing can effect us.

anyway on a better note my Sg stickers and cards came so i am a happy chappy

also my cat zero is still missing so im now at the stage of if she comes home she does but i do miss her.

many thanks for all the comments and im still loving this site so much all the friends and comments and feed back on my sets has been great thank you

im now back at work after my weeks holiday kinda good to be back as i was bored most of my week off will prob take a week off again in Jan but maybe go to either London or Dublin i think.
Also my back has been sore of late again so im not too happy with that might go to the doctor to see what i can do for it and also ask a few questions about stuff in work.
just going to leave now with a link to my two sets for suicideboys for those who have not seen them as allways comments and feebback welcome its allways good to read what you do or dont like about them and how you think i can improve on them

well thats me for now
i look forward to reading all your comments

Anyway, if I was you I'd go to London; and good luck with the sets, sir.
Have a nice holiday wherever you go.