I am requesting the help of anyone and everyone who could sense before hand that I was a complete idiot for thinking Coco Loco was my kind of event. Next time I get the idea that an evening filled with craptastic music and chachi bitches would be fun... please slap me...no wait beat me with large blunt objects . Dont get me wrong it was awesome to get to meet MrKoot and his buddies but why did I suggest that crap?? We just ended up sitting around drinking beer (not me I drove) and bullshitting anyways. We could have done that at a pub with decent music and food (Im the infamous glutton ask rin). Next year I stay in and watch zombie movies... sure thing for a good time.
never mind about the journal, i finally found it today 

Yeah we've definately gotten the sister thing a lot. One guy actually came up to me and started having a conversation with me and I had no clue what he was talking about. Then I asked him if he meant to talk to Georgia...and he was like your not her. Umm no she's sitting right beside me. Man did he ever feel like an idiot. It was great