OH Kelowna why arent you 30C or above and unbearably hot so that I can sit on the beach and read my new book all day. Instead I am forced to shop for sweaters
It is an incredibly cute arguile sweater though so I cant pout to much. Fortunately there is lots more to do here than beach we went to this really big arcade, Ive been for japanese food which I love, and we are going paintballing tommorow. The hotel pool is an ok substitution I suppose, but I really LOVE the beach. I bought "Memoirs of A Geisha" the other day though adn it has been keeping me occupied for most of the coldness. All in all its been really fun despite the unfortuante weather. With that said I am going to take my book back down to the nice lawn chairs around the pool and pretend I am on the beach.

i'll take pics and show you next weekend

i hope your drive home wasnt too bad, hugs and kisses i love you muchly