This weekend was my birthday weekend but I got to hang out with Rin. Anyone who knows me will know why there is a 'but' in the above sentenc as opposed to an 'and'.The thing is my birthday is always cursed but my Rin time is always fantastic. The whole thing was like tying a piece of buttered toast to a cats back and then dropping it.... coulda gone either way.
As it turned out the Rin time was indeed fantastic. We went to Indie Karaoke, had sushi, visited china town and ate icecream with dinosuars in it. It was soo good in fact that I got silly and hopeful and expected the rest of the weekend to go as well. Bahahahaha. I left Rin on
Monday morning to go visit my dad for my actual Bday which was on tuesday. He not only stood me up but was mean about it and dissapointed me once again (this is a regular occurance when dealing with the father).
Thus Monday night I hung out with my brother, who made me a burger, rolled me a joint and put in a movie to cheer me up. My brother is awesome! It half worked but I woke up the next morning and realized that yes in fact it was the day the universe cursed and it was only
9:30! BLAAAAAARRRRGGG!!!!! Being angry with my father and sick of having 'my special day' cursed I called yellowdays who skipped work and whisked me to the city to visit our boys. It turned out to be really fun. They got me drunk and I had 4 hrs of sleep before working an 8 hr shift which consisted of fucking around with greasy tractor parts. Yes that is as dirty as it sounds just not in the fun way your thinking.
ALl in all I still don't know what to make of the whole 3 days so I suppose the cat landed on its side. Crazy!!
As it turned out the Rin time was indeed fantastic. We went to Indie Karaoke, had sushi, visited china town and ate icecream with dinosuars in it. It was soo good in fact that I got silly and hopeful and expected the rest of the weekend to go as well. Bahahahaha. I left Rin on
Monday morning to go visit my dad for my actual Bday which was on tuesday. He not only stood me up but was mean about it and dissapointed me once again (this is a regular occurance when dealing with the father).
Thus Monday night I hung out with my brother, who made me a burger, rolled me a joint and put in a movie to cheer me up. My brother is awesome! It half worked but I woke up the next morning and realized that yes in fact it was the day the universe cursed and it was only
9:30! BLAAAAAARRRRGGG!!!!! Being angry with my father and sick of having 'my special day' cursed I called yellowdays who skipped work and whisked me to the city to visit our boys. It turned out to be really fun. They got me drunk and I had 4 hrs of sleep before working an 8 hr shift which consisted of fucking around with greasy tractor parts. Yes that is as dirty as it sounds just not in the fun way your thinking.
ALl in all I still don't know what to make of the whole 3 days so I suppose the cat landed on its side. Crazy!!
i'm glad i made your weekend ok
you sure made mine fucking wonderful

i'm glad you two had a good time.