hahaha! WOO! haha! you're such a nerd!! it's soo CUTE! muah!! byebyebye! have fun! have you been to the Aero Club? it's a really cool dive bar off of sassafrass...by the airport.. ok...
R.I.P Ovarian Cyst
My cyst ruptured and spilled its contents into my abdominal cavity. The cyst was large, so i was bleeding...yuck...damn those torn edges! it hurt soo much! The pain was initially one-sided and then spread to my entire pelvis. There was a large enough spill of fluid & blood, so i was in the hospital for two days but what really baffled me... Read More
wowza!! that's major. i have pre-cancerous cells in my ovaries-- i get colposcopies every 6 months. biopsies hurt like a mother fucker. damn woman parts. well hope u get better soon!!!
awww yes MAGIC is upon us!! Work has been sooo f'in Crazy!! too bad i wont be going to Vegas for it...who wants to go hang out with hot chicks and get belligerently drunk anyway??? Yea...sounds like a drag.
Welcome to San Diego. I'm in the same boat as far as new to the area and not knowing anyone besides coworkers.
Hope New York was cool. And now I'll go ahead and cut out so that I can stop feeling like a moron for saying "hi" to someone I don't know
-Leonardo DaVinci