So, I finally have a bit of time on my hands and thought it a good idea to tell you all what I've been upto, which is both a fair bit and not alot. Seems I last did a decent blog December 7th, so I shall go from there. It'll be epic, so I've put it into spoilers, to save your eyes.
Hope you're all good
x x
P.S. Laptop's still broken, so I'm missing alot of the photos I wanted to add, I'll have a look about through friends and edit later on.
So, I finally have a bit of time on my hands and thought it a good idea to tell you all what I've been upto, which is both a fair bit and not alot. Seems I last did a decent blog December 7th, so I shall go from there. It'll be epic, so I've put it into spoilers, to save your eyes.
Hope you're all good

x x
P.S. Laptop's still broken, so I'm missing alot of the photos I wanted to add, I'll have a look about through friends and edit later on.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
So, december was inevitably full of seasonal festivities, family and friends taking time off and being horendously poor, especially after decided it was high time to treat my mum and getting her a trillion things for Christmas.
I had a nice big of hang time with my best friend, who's helping me to practice and record stuff for my spoken word performances. Which was great, he's now a full time actor/musician and travels all over the country, so where we once lived in each others' pockets, I rarely see him, possibly for the best, he's prone to giving compliments in the form of an insult.
I was due for a photoshoot on the 10th, which was cancelled, for reasons that I can't remember now, you'll see similar things happened over the past few months, so I've opted to not work with that photographer, and find one more reliable so I can get another set up!.
On the 12th I hit London with my boyfriend. Part of my christmas present was to see Soulwax at Brixton Accademy. His brother lives down the road, so I got to meet him and his wife for the first time, which was lovely. We went out for dinner first at an Itialian restraunt, where the waiters were weird and seemed to have put us at an odd table, meaning we were essentially gatecrashing someones' christmas party, we only felt a little bit weird.
Soulwax were terrific, all came out in classy light blue suits and were seamless. I hadn't heard of them before I got the ticket, but managed to squeeze to the front, had one of those horrible experiences though - you know where it takes a while to really start enjoying the set and by the time you do, they've finished. Bad times. Though a couple of them did a DJ set afterwards with graphics behind them of the albums played. Can't beat a bouncing Bowie or the Nirvana baby with a santa hat. Good times.
Next day was a good chance to hit the likes of Covant Garden for a bit of shopping. The lovely people at Lush gave us some goodies for 'looking so in love. I know, it's sickening, but we milked it and can sadly say that no other shop had their attitude and actually wanted money. Conventional capitalism sucks!
A few days later I saw my doctor over my joint condition. I've spent years arguing with them after they got an assesment saying my condition is 'benine' and I view daily dislocations as a bit troublesome. Persuaded them to send me to UCLH to see a rheumotology specialist, so look out for that at the start of March - I might finally be able to eat bread again or something!
I help run a local charity world music festival, which is delightful. I'm crew chief and thus in charge of all the crew and tech staff/volunteers, stage managers and the likes. Had the treat of a dinner with one stage manager to discuss changes and got a lovely home cooked meal out of it. As the summer's festival based an dI'm not very involved until it's time to get staff booked, I don't see much of my team throughout the year, and when I do it's usually purely business, the chance for vino and a relaxed chat was quite lovely.
16th December was easily the best thing. Ever. I'm obsessed with Modest Mouse [hense their hot air baloon being tattoo'd on my back]. And after years of being poor and missing their shows I got to see them at the Electic Ballroom in London. One down point was that the friend I went with wasn't too familiar on their music, so every time I turned to go 'CHECK THAT OUT' he wasn't quite as impressed as I was. We turned up late and I battered my way to the front, because I'll be fucked if I waited 5 years just to get the view of the back of someone's head. I was stuck next to some young teens, and much as I'm honestly not normally one for it, I did get a bit smug when they clearly hadn't bothered with the back catelogue and were baffled at old songs that got played. They were just beautifully terrific and hands down better without Jonny Marr, also use alot more Banjo than I realised. Issac Brook is well skilled with the crowd as well: Croad: sing *various song titles* Isaac: this is it. This is actually what it's like to be crazy - just loads of voices shouting your own shit at you that you already know. Win to Brook, there. Extra pleased that they did play a variety and not just stuff of their new EP (which is amazing, if you've yet to hear it - Satelitte Skin, History Sticks To Your Feet and King Rat being particularly outstanding). I'll stop there, as I'll easily write for far too long. Buuuut....y'know, should any one want to get me more tickets, I shan't argue.
The 19th, I was due to see Enter Shikar. I've known the guys for years, and much as it's lovely to see them getting the careers they've worked for, I miss them being around. Prime chance to catch up, you'd think. But no. I was struck with an almighty migrane, and the towns were struck with heavy snow, so I never made it. GAH.
A few days before Christmas I worked at a playscheme for special needs kids. Muchos fun but far too short, I've become the carer for an autistic girl and had her over for the first time which was...interesting.
Cristmas day was terrific. We have a tradition of waking up and opening our stockings in mums bed. So hopped to that. Ladt year I'd forgotten to get anything for mum (it was always dad's job before they divorced) but this years I made it up, with nice bath bombs from lush and nice undies and soaps and the like. I got an odd canvas and fruit/socks, standard stuff really. My boyfriend was over by the time we got downstairs to open the main presents. Christmas day is also my birthday, I was 20 and rather worringly, two aunts got me cards for the wrong age - one for 18 and one for 21. Still, mum, dad and my fella got it right, so that's something. My boyfriend spoiled me something rottern, with an ipod and a little cow (he's obsessed with cows - don't ask). We got a ridiculous amount of dvds, including Year One, I think I broke the sound barrier with excitment over that one.
We all headed down to visit my nan, which was the first time she'd met my boyfriend, which was lovely, got home to find my aunt and uncle ready and waiting to drop gifts off, which was brief but nice, then the fella headed home and we went over to a different aunts for the day/night. Muchos good times with my cousins who were home from uni, epic amounts of food and some drunken sharades. I ate so much that I shamefully had to shange into my cousin's clothes. I should have known better than to wear a tight black dress.
Boxing day my dad picked us up to head over to his and see his girlfriend. Again, too much food, too much smoking and late night games. He has a big open fire and lives on a farm where there was still snow on the ground. It was like being on a christmas card.
27th a friend of mine threw me a belated birthday party as she insisted I celebrated in some way (I hate making a deal of my birthday). We had a girls pajama party, which included my male best friend and the hosts friend with her 12 year old son, who played me happy birthday on the sax, very cool. Fondu, cocktails and card games were played until we couldn't be bothered to sit up anymore. Then we sat in bed and watched Clue until we fell asleep. The next morning everyone headed off bar myself and the host. so we brought the fondu to bed, had lots of tea, lots to smoke and watched rubbish on TV. I then met my boy and went to an old style sweet shop which was glorious and met my cousin and her boyfriend for lunch. They were both very hung over, so it didn't last for long. Esentially a good thing as a) I was tired myself and b) my ex decided to gate crash. My boyfriend didn't know at the time that I'd been with him, making for a horrendously awkward situation, on my part at least.
The next few days were spent with the boy. He's a new-age geek [ie, computer geek, I'm old school with too many books to home]. I'm making an effort to join in, so we largely watched films and played games, good times. Then New Year I was meant to be running a party at the local club, but wasn't feeling upto much so calle din the help of a few friends. Bands were mixed, some insanely good, some not as good as I would have like and two DJs didn't turn up, whilst a third left early. But we had a good turn out and everyone had a good time so I guess that's what matters. I saw the new year in in style with a back seat blow job
. People headed off earlier than expected so we closed the lcub 2 hours early and headed back to mine for much needed sleeps and treats. Last year was rough, so I'm assuming this one can only be better.
So, december was inevitably full of seasonal festivities, family and friends taking time off and being horendously poor, especially after decided it was high time to treat my mum and getting her a trillion things for Christmas.
I had a nice big of hang time with my best friend, who's helping me to practice and record stuff for my spoken word performances. Which was great, he's now a full time actor/musician and travels all over the country, so where we once lived in each others' pockets, I rarely see him, possibly for the best, he's prone to giving compliments in the form of an insult.
I was due for a photoshoot on the 10th, which was cancelled, for reasons that I can't remember now, you'll see similar things happened over the past few months, so I've opted to not work with that photographer, and find one more reliable so I can get another set up!.
On the 12th I hit London with my boyfriend. Part of my christmas present was to see Soulwax at Brixton Accademy. His brother lives down the road, so I got to meet him and his wife for the first time, which was lovely. We went out for dinner first at an Itialian restraunt, where the waiters were weird and seemed to have put us at an odd table, meaning we were essentially gatecrashing someones' christmas party, we only felt a little bit weird.
Soulwax were terrific, all came out in classy light blue suits and were seamless. I hadn't heard of them before I got the ticket, but managed to squeeze to the front, had one of those horrible experiences though - you know where it takes a while to really start enjoying the set and by the time you do, they've finished. Bad times. Though a couple of them did a DJ set afterwards with graphics behind them of the albums played. Can't beat a bouncing Bowie or the Nirvana baby with a santa hat. Good times.
Next day was a good chance to hit the likes of Covant Garden for a bit of shopping. The lovely people at Lush gave us some goodies for 'looking so in love. I know, it's sickening, but we milked it and can sadly say that no other shop had their attitude and actually wanted money. Conventional capitalism sucks!
A few days later I saw my doctor over my joint condition. I've spent years arguing with them after they got an assesment saying my condition is 'benine' and I view daily dislocations as a bit troublesome. Persuaded them to send me to UCLH to see a rheumotology specialist, so look out for that at the start of March - I might finally be able to eat bread again or something!
I help run a local charity world music festival, which is delightful. I'm crew chief and thus in charge of all the crew and tech staff/volunteers, stage managers and the likes. Had the treat of a dinner with one stage manager to discuss changes and got a lovely home cooked meal out of it. As the summer's festival based an dI'm not very involved until it's time to get staff booked, I don't see much of my team throughout the year, and when I do it's usually purely business, the chance for vino and a relaxed chat was quite lovely.
16th December was easily the best thing. Ever. I'm obsessed with Modest Mouse [hense their hot air baloon being tattoo'd on my back]. And after years of being poor and missing their shows I got to see them at the Electic Ballroom in London. One down point was that the friend I went with wasn't too familiar on their music, so every time I turned to go 'CHECK THAT OUT' he wasn't quite as impressed as I was. We turned up late and I battered my way to the front, because I'll be fucked if I waited 5 years just to get the view of the back of someone's head. I was stuck next to some young teens, and much as I'm honestly not normally one for it, I did get a bit smug when they clearly hadn't bothered with the back catelogue and were baffled at old songs that got played. They were just beautifully terrific and hands down better without Jonny Marr, also use alot more Banjo than I realised. Issac Brook is well skilled with the crowd as well: Croad: sing *various song titles* Isaac: this is it. This is actually what it's like to be crazy - just loads of voices shouting your own shit at you that you already know. Win to Brook, there. Extra pleased that they did play a variety and not just stuff of their new EP (which is amazing, if you've yet to hear it - Satelitte Skin, History Sticks To Your Feet and King Rat being particularly outstanding). I'll stop there, as I'll easily write for far too long. Buuuut....y'know, should any one want to get me more tickets, I shan't argue.
The 19th, I was due to see Enter Shikar. I've known the guys for years, and much as it's lovely to see them getting the careers they've worked for, I miss them being around. Prime chance to catch up, you'd think. But no. I was struck with an almighty migrane, and the towns were struck with heavy snow, so I never made it. GAH.
A few days before Christmas I worked at a playscheme for special needs kids. Muchos fun but far too short, I've become the carer for an autistic girl and had her over for the first time which was...interesting.
Cristmas day was terrific. We have a tradition of waking up and opening our stockings in mums bed. So hopped to that. Ladt year I'd forgotten to get anything for mum (it was always dad's job before they divorced) but this years I made it up, with nice bath bombs from lush and nice undies and soaps and the like. I got an odd canvas and fruit/socks, standard stuff really. My boyfriend was over by the time we got downstairs to open the main presents. Christmas day is also my birthday, I was 20 and rather worringly, two aunts got me cards for the wrong age - one for 18 and one for 21. Still, mum, dad and my fella got it right, so that's something. My boyfriend spoiled me something rottern, with an ipod and a little cow (he's obsessed with cows - don't ask). We got a ridiculous amount of dvds, including Year One, I think I broke the sound barrier with excitment over that one.
We all headed down to visit my nan, which was the first time she'd met my boyfriend, which was lovely, got home to find my aunt and uncle ready and waiting to drop gifts off, which was brief but nice, then the fella headed home and we went over to a different aunts for the day/night. Muchos good times with my cousins who were home from uni, epic amounts of food and some drunken sharades. I ate so much that I shamefully had to shange into my cousin's clothes. I should have known better than to wear a tight black dress.
Boxing day my dad picked us up to head over to his and see his girlfriend. Again, too much food, too much smoking and late night games. He has a big open fire and lives on a farm where there was still snow on the ground. It was like being on a christmas card.
27th a friend of mine threw me a belated birthday party as she insisted I celebrated in some way (I hate making a deal of my birthday). We had a girls pajama party, which included my male best friend and the hosts friend with her 12 year old son, who played me happy birthday on the sax, very cool. Fondu, cocktails and card games were played until we couldn't be bothered to sit up anymore. Then we sat in bed and watched Clue until we fell asleep. The next morning everyone headed off bar myself and the host. so we brought the fondu to bed, had lots of tea, lots to smoke and watched rubbish on TV. I then met my boy and went to an old style sweet shop which was glorious and met my cousin and her boyfriend for lunch. They were both very hung over, so it didn't last for long. Esentially a good thing as a) I was tired myself and b) my ex decided to gate crash. My boyfriend didn't know at the time that I'd been with him, making for a horrendously awkward situation, on my part at least.
The next few days were spent with the boy. He's a new-age geek [ie, computer geek, I'm old school with too many books to home]. I'm making an effort to join in, so we largely watched films and played games, good times. Then New Year I was meant to be running a party at the local club, but wasn't feeling upto much so calle din the help of a few friends. Bands were mixed, some insanely good, some not as good as I would have like and two DJs didn't turn up, whilst a third left early. But we had a good turn out and everyone had a good time so I guess that's what matters. I saw the new year in in style with a back seat blow job

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
That said, January got off to a pretty bad start. As soon as I got home on the 1st I felt ill and was frozen all over. I ended up in bed for the whole weekend and left work monday and went to hospital with suspected apendicitis. I was kept in for a week to get tests, wasn't allowed to eat or drink, my IV fell out and the snow kept people from visiting. All in all, pretty bad and they couldn't even work out what was causing my stomach pains. So on the last day when they said 'you can stay in for another nightof observation or go home, I just left. My boyfriend surprised me by leaving work early and walking through the snow to get to me, and my best friend got home from tour eary and came to pick us up, so I got my first evening home with my best boys. The only upside to hospital was that they gave me morphine, which was blissfull.
The following week I was back to work and started regular dates with my little girl, who's so ful of beans it's unreal
The week after that I moved in with my nan. She'd had an operation the week before and had just come out of hospital so I stayed with her while she got used to being back at home. There's a notable lack of things to do in the flat of a pensioner, so there was largely filling in aplication forms and watching daytime TV. I got out of a bad habbit and decided to start phoning friends. I've been too poor, ill and busy to go out much, which means I've hardly seen my friends since the summer, but haven't even spoken to many. So I'm trying to get in the habbit of at least making calls and seeing how people are, which was quite lovely. . On the 20th I had an interview in London, which my boyfriend came along to. It was for a nanny agency and much as it went very well, they didn't have anything to offer at the time. My boy's a genius and hunted out a lingerie shop, a book shop and a lovely cafe whilst I was in the interview, so we made the most of a day in London. It was really nice bar my shoes cutting my feet apart all day and going to Oxford Street and falling down the stairs in American Apparell and cutting my leg. It's been over a month and it's still healing. I kept a smile though - shopping spree in Ann Summers deffinetly perked me up.
I also had an interview at a local book shop, which is essentially my heaven, right oposite is a vintage furniture shop. I spent about an hour in there commanding my boyfriend that we need to get a house and fill it with the nice draws and wardrobes they had. My dad;s lady is oddly fond of camels, and I managed to get Camel bookends in there to give to my dad for his birthday, they were rather pretty!
On the 30th, I headed down to Brighton for the tattoo convention. We stayed with some friends who have a two month old daughter who is just gorgeous and had an evening catching up in the pub followed by a tad too much wine back at the flat. 31st consisted of a rushed trip around Brighton (whats with RedVeg opening so late?!) and running off to the racetrack as I had a 1 o clock apointment to get some of my tattoo shaded in. We'd set out enough time for 5 hours work but I caved at 3.5. Too cold and too tiring, especially with a three hour trip home to look forward to. So we said out goodbyes and headed off for some food (where there was a psychic waiter, most odd) and I successfully stayed awake for the whole trip home and collapsed. It's gorgeous though. Lynn at Magnum Opus is doing my sleeve and is a genius. I highly recomend her.
That said, January got off to a pretty bad start. As soon as I got home on the 1st I felt ill and was frozen all over. I ended up in bed for the whole weekend and left work monday and went to hospital with suspected apendicitis. I was kept in for a week to get tests, wasn't allowed to eat or drink, my IV fell out and the snow kept people from visiting. All in all, pretty bad and they couldn't even work out what was causing my stomach pains. So on the last day when they said 'you can stay in for another nightof observation or go home, I just left. My boyfriend surprised me by leaving work early and walking through the snow to get to me, and my best friend got home from tour eary and came to pick us up, so I got my first evening home with my best boys. The only upside to hospital was that they gave me morphine, which was blissfull.
The following week I was back to work and started regular dates with my little girl, who's so ful of beans it's unreal
The week after that I moved in with my nan. She'd had an operation the week before and had just come out of hospital so I stayed with her while she got used to being back at home. There's a notable lack of things to do in the flat of a pensioner, so there was largely filling in aplication forms and watching daytime TV. I got out of a bad habbit and decided to start phoning friends. I've been too poor, ill and busy to go out much, which means I've hardly seen my friends since the summer, but haven't even spoken to many. So I'm trying to get in the habbit of at least making calls and seeing how people are, which was quite lovely. . On the 20th I had an interview in London, which my boyfriend came along to. It was for a nanny agency and much as it went very well, they didn't have anything to offer at the time. My boy's a genius and hunted out a lingerie shop, a book shop and a lovely cafe whilst I was in the interview, so we made the most of a day in London. It was really nice bar my shoes cutting my feet apart all day and going to Oxford Street and falling down the stairs in American Apparell and cutting my leg. It's been over a month and it's still healing. I kept a smile though - shopping spree in Ann Summers deffinetly perked me up.
I also had an interview at a local book shop, which is essentially my heaven, right oposite is a vintage furniture shop. I spent about an hour in there commanding my boyfriend that we need to get a house and fill it with the nice draws and wardrobes they had. My dad;s lady is oddly fond of camels, and I managed to get Camel bookends in there to give to my dad for his birthday, they were rather pretty!
On the 30th, I headed down to Brighton for the tattoo convention. We stayed with some friends who have a two month old daughter who is just gorgeous and had an evening catching up in the pub followed by a tad too much wine back at the flat. 31st consisted of a rushed trip around Brighton (whats with RedVeg opening so late?!) and running off to the racetrack as I had a 1 o clock apointment to get some of my tattoo shaded in. We'd set out enough time for 5 hours work but I caved at 3.5. Too cold and too tiring, especially with a three hour trip home to look forward to. So we said out goodbyes and headed off for some food (where there was a psychic waiter, most odd) and I successfully stayed awake for the whole trip home and collapsed. It's gorgeous though. Lynn at Magnum Opus is doing my sleeve and is a genius. I highly recomend her.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
On the 1st I headed over to my friends, she's about to go freelance as a hair dresser and asked if she could do my hair for her portfolio. So I got a nice cut and treatment with a bit of perm. (I am naturally curly but my hair's as thick as a caveman and weighs all the curls out).
On the 3rd I was due for another photoshoot, but it was horrific. My train broke down on the way to London, then the photographer locked us out of the flat we were shooting in and we weren't very organised so didn't get anything done. Then I missed my train and the following four were cancelled. I was stuck talking to some strange young girl for an hour until the next train came. This train only took me half way home. By this time my mum had gone to bed and I couldn't afford a taxi, nor manage the 2 mile walk home with all my clothes that I'd taken for the shoot. So had to wait for another train, and call my boyfriend up, who is truly marvellous and came over (he lives in a different town) just to pick me up from the station and drop me home. Never again.
The 4th I took part in an open mic show at The Free Word Centre. I was insanely nervous, three minutes really isn't long to show people what your stuff's like. But there was some really good people there and it was my first open mic, so a nice experience to be part of. It was put on by the lovely people at Apple and Snakes, who've booked me up for another night in March. I recomend Alex Gwyther if you haven't seen/heard him already.
5th was a show I was putting on. We had a band over from Japan who were delightful. There's something exceptionally charming about someone who can't quite speak English telling you to buy their stuff. The turn out was disapointing, for what was an exceptionally good show. And one of my last as I've decided to quit promoting. I've lost my enthusiasm and it's becomming a chore, so it's not worth carrying on if I'll be putting on half arsed shows.
the 9th I went back to see my friend who'd done my hair to get photos for her portfolio. She wanted to put in victory rolls, so I did the full 1940s pin up thing for her, corset, red heels, red dress and red lips. Went down well with the fella afterwards as well

Valentines I avoided doing anything. I hate it with a passion. If you love someone, surely you'll make them feel special whenever you can, not on one particular, over priced day. Regardless the boy came over and we painted ceramic cows and played strip board games. We're that cool. I blamemy best friend for refusing to see me.
The week of the 15th I had playscheme again which was so much fun. We took trips out and had a bucking bronco come in and all sorts. I adore the more troublesome kids, which made thigns more fun when they were put in my stable hands. I took my young girl to the town centre, which she's never done before and it went really well, exceptionally rewarding to see. On the tuesday my boy and I went to my dads for a pub quiz and lost horribly. I went to see Youth In Revolt...twice and met up with two ex's for some much over due talking things through. So a tiring but productive week all in all. By the friday I'd given up and set up camp at the boys for a weekend of video games, movies, food, sex and drugs.
Since then it's just been work really.
On the 1st I headed over to my friends, she's about to go freelance as a hair dresser and asked if she could do my hair for her portfolio. So I got a nice cut and treatment with a bit of perm. (I am naturally curly but my hair's as thick as a caveman and weighs all the curls out).
On the 3rd I was due for another photoshoot, but it was horrific. My train broke down on the way to London, then the photographer locked us out of the flat we were shooting in and we weren't very organised so didn't get anything done. Then I missed my train and the following four were cancelled. I was stuck talking to some strange young girl for an hour until the next train came. This train only took me half way home. By this time my mum had gone to bed and I couldn't afford a taxi, nor manage the 2 mile walk home with all my clothes that I'd taken for the shoot. So had to wait for another train, and call my boyfriend up, who is truly marvellous and came over (he lives in a different town) just to pick me up from the station and drop me home. Never again.
The 4th I took part in an open mic show at The Free Word Centre. I was insanely nervous, three minutes really isn't long to show people what your stuff's like. But there was some really good people there and it was my first open mic, so a nice experience to be part of. It was put on by the lovely people at Apple and Snakes, who've booked me up for another night in March. I recomend Alex Gwyther if you haven't seen/heard him already.
5th was a show I was putting on. We had a band over from Japan who were delightful. There's something exceptionally charming about someone who can't quite speak English telling you to buy their stuff. The turn out was disapointing, for what was an exceptionally good show. And one of my last as I've decided to quit promoting. I've lost my enthusiasm and it's becomming a chore, so it's not worth carrying on if I'll be putting on half arsed shows.
the 9th I went back to see my friend who'd done my hair to get photos for her portfolio. She wanted to put in victory rolls, so I did the full 1940s pin up thing for her, corset, red heels, red dress and red lips. Went down well with the fella afterwards as well

Valentines I avoided doing anything. I hate it with a passion. If you love someone, surely you'll make them feel special whenever you can, not on one particular, over priced day. Regardless the boy came over and we painted ceramic cows and played strip board games. We're that cool. I blamemy best friend for refusing to see me.
The week of the 15th I had playscheme again which was so much fun. We took trips out and had a bucking bronco come in and all sorts. I adore the more troublesome kids, which made thigns more fun when they were put in my stable hands. I took my young girl to the town centre, which she's never done before and it went really well, exceptionally rewarding to see. On the tuesday my boy and I went to my dads for a pub quiz and lost horribly. I went to see Youth In Revolt...twice and met up with two ex's for some much over due talking things through. So a tiring but productive week all in all. By the friday I'd given up and set up camp at the boys for a weekend of video games, movies, food, sex and drugs.
Since then it's just been work really.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Soo yeah. Busy kind of few months. Been getting organised, getting healthy and dropping the christmas weight. Feeling really possitive about things and making lots of new plans and being alot more organised. There's one very happy girl about town now, so, massive smiles and crazy giggles to you all.
Soo yeah. Busy kind of few months. Been getting organised, getting healthy and dropping the christmas weight. Feeling really possitive about things and making lots of new plans and being alot more organised. There's one very happy girl about town now, so, massive smiles and crazy giggles to you all.
Woah, busy girl! Sending love and hugs. x
WOw u r a busy bee. Hope u r well hun x