So, on friday I was walking to a gig and passed a sign saying 'computers for Africa - donate now at www.computers4africa.org.uk' and being the synical old beast I am, I immedietly went on a mind-rant which I thought I ought to share.
Because, my first thought was how ridiculous that is. Admittedly we're in a globalised society where people are forever in connection with people all over the world due to the internet and therefore basic computer skills are useful. However, they're useful if you're in a place that's developed far enough to use them. Say you take 20,000 computers to Africa (I'm assuming we're talking the whole continent - in which case, it's a tiny number to take out) you're looking at least 100,000 surely? I'm quite sure that those who get the computers will really appreciate it, don't get me wrong, it's a great offering and will help them develop skills which can get them a job in a nice environment and so on. But, looking at the well known, poor state that Africa is in, does it not make more sense to give them 100,000 on food, or homes, or a new hospital? And if we're taking technology over there - how about investing in something more useful like renewable energy? What's going to help out an African town more, a few computers or a reliable source of electricity for lights, cooking, powering a well.
And, much as I am very pro the idea of being a worl citizen, rather than belonging to any particular place, and also a fan of spreading the wealth. When we're in a global recession and something along the lines of 500,000 people in Britain are living below the poverty line and thousands more are homeless - should we not look after our own before handing unneccessary charity out? Why try and spread the vision of a well developed, humble western world when there's so many who are ill and malnurished within our own country?!
I, in no way, mean to seem untoward about the intentions of the good people at the computers4africa charity. It just seems silly to me that in a country that still doesn't have fair trade, with a government that won't help their own people get food and shelter, the gift of computers is going to be part of a poorly thought-out plan. Those with the computer I fear will get caught up in the ways of a capitalist society and end up looking out for number one, rather than using the technology to help better their society as a whole. How are computers and machines supposed to be helpful if people can't even get adiquet food and health care? This could be a very good future project, but seems irrelevant at the moment. Surely helping the disabled, getting a minimum wage in place, supporting equal rights or making a just policing system would be a better way of spending time and money?
So, by all means, ignore me, because I don't preach, I just wanted to share my views. I just want to encourage you to think if you want to do something beneficial. Education is the best thing in the world, so go and educate yourselves. Many charities are there as a formidable cause. If you're going to donate, think about who you wish to donate to, computers, or perhaps something such as VSO (voluntary services overseas) who send trained doctors and such out to help. Or look in your local area - what local charities could do with a helping hand. Or better yet, give some time as it is far more valuble than money will ever be.
End rant.
So, on friday I was walking to a gig and passed a sign saying 'computers for Africa - donate now at www.computers4africa.org.uk' and being the synical old beast I am, I immedietly went on a mind-rant which I thought I ought to share.
Because, my first thought was how ridiculous that is. Admittedly we're in a globalised society where people are forever in connection with people all over the world due to the internet and therefore basic computer skills are useful. However, they're useful if you're in a place that's developed far enough to use them. Say you take 20,000 computers to Africa (I'm assuming we're talking the whole continent - in which case, it's a tiny number to take out) you're looking at least 100,000 surely? I'm quite sure that those who get the computers will really appreciate it, don't get me wrong, it's a great offering and will help them develop skills which can get them a job in a nice environment and so on. But, looking at the well known, poor state that Africa is in, does it not make more sense to give them 100,000 on food, or homes, or a new hospital? And if we're taking technology over there - how about investing in something more useful like renewable energy? What's going to help out an African town more, a few computers or a reliable source of electricity for lights, cooking, powering a well.
And, much as I am very pro the idea of being a worl citizen, rather than belonging to any particular place, and also a fan of spreading the wealth. When we're in a global recession and something along the lines of 500,000 people in Britain are living below the poverty line and thousands more are homeless - should we not look after our own before handing unneccessary charity out? Why try and spread the vision of a well developed, humble western world when there's so many who are ill and malnurished within our own country?!
I, in no way, mean to seem untoward about the intentions of the good people at the computers4africa charity. It just seems silly to me that in a country that still doesn't have fair trade, with a government that won't help their own people get food and shelter, the gift of computers is going to be part of a poorly thought-out plan. Those with the computer I fear will get caught up in the ways of a capitalist society and end up looking out for number one, rather than using the technology to help better their society as a whole. How are computers and machines supposed to be helpful if people can't even get adiquet food and health care? This could be a very good future project, but seems irrelevant at the moment. Surely helping the disabled, getting a minimum wage in place, supporting equal rights or making a just policing system would be a better way of spending time and money?
So, by all means, ignore me, because I don't preach, I just wanted to share my views. I just want to encourage you to think if you want to do something beneficial. Education is the best thing in the world, so go and educate yourselves. Many charities are there as a formidable cause. If you're going to donate, think about who you wish to donate to, computers, or perhaps something such as VSO (voluntary services overseas) who send trained doctors and such out to help. Or look in your local area - what local charities could do with a helping hand. Or better yet, give some time as it is far more valuble than money will ever be.
End rant.
It's good to see somebody helping out in this crappy world we live in 

I agree...why aren't nations taking care of our their citizens first? I mean...in my opinion nations that are wealthy should take care of their people. I also feel like this instead of just sending food to these other nations...could there be a way to show them how to be self-sustained? I know that there are instances whether a nation is war torn...or in a political divide that could influence things as well. But just to send food....and this computer thing....uhhh? How does it make sense to send computers to places like that....who's paying a light bill...when they can't pay for food?