any suggestions? I am not looking to spend loads, but do want something good - so a bit of a balance would be great haha
what is everyone else up to today? I’ve been trying to plan out my new study (so I can work from home without being sat at my dining room table!), but these old Edwardian houses are such annoying sizes haha I wish doing your house up in real life was just like animal crossing... just zoom out and move things...
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Thank you so much to everyone who is following and all the lovely comments and messages - as I say, I totally forgot it was going live because the wait time was so long but I promise I will get round to reading everything and replying! I am currently half way through redecorating my kitchen and study haha so it’s all busy busy here -...
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so I am finding extreme satisfaction from my followers being 48 and my following being 84 - but also, lets not let that hold us back from getting to the next satisfying set of numbers haha
Has anyone done anything interesting today? I am trying massively to stop making Mondays feel so 'Monday' - so if you have any tips for this, I am all...
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So, I always love getting presents like this mug because it immediately made me anxious that I come across as a moody person.... then I remember that I am and I do nothing to hide it hahaha