The last few days have been interesting to say the least. My good friend of 10 years got herself into a pickle. She's married with 3 girls (8, 5 & 2 months) give or take. She stays at home & takes care of the girls & what not. So she has this small geo tracker that she's had for a while now. With her family getting bigger she needs a van. Especially considering how if any accident happened a tracker will do nothing to save you. So she told her husband she wanted to get a van & how she found one. Well he's like come home & we'll go back later. She found out he was lying. He had no intention of going back. Told her if she wanted the van she had to get it under her name. Get a job to pay for it cause he didnt want the debt. What an asshole right?
So she is very evil when pushed to the limit. She decided to pawn off his $700 watch. Got some money together & went & got the van under both their names.
Do you think she was out of line?
Personally I dont think so. Not because she's my friend. But because she has no car to get around in. And because she has 3 kids, needs to take them to school & what not. Plus a tracker in an accident will be tossed around like a tonka toy. Needless to say he was pissed as all hell.
Last night I worked & got a really weird call. It was a transfer from one hospital to another. It was this guy with rectal bleeding. That's not the weird part. The weird part is how it happened. I guess this guy has had bowel problems, or lack of. So he thought that if he inserted a light bulb in his ass. That would stimulate him enough to take a shit. Well the bulb broke in his ass. How fucking painful. How do you explain that to a nurse? Hey I was having problems taking a shit. So I stuck a bulb in my ass & it broke. So now I'm bleeding from my asshole.
That's funny. Have a good weekend.
So she is very evil when pushed to the limit. She decided to pawn off his $700 watch. Got some money together & went & got the van under both their names.
Do you think she was out of line?
Personally I dont think so. Not because she's my friend. But because she has no car to get around in. And because she has 3 kids, needs to take them to school & what not. Plus a tracker in an accident will be tossed around like a tonka toy. Needless to say he was pissed as all hell.
Last night I worked & got a really weird call. It was a transfer from one hospital to another. It was this guy with rectal bleeding. That's not the weird part. The weird part is how it happened. I guess this guy has had bowel problems, or lack of. So he thought that if he inserted a light bulb in his ass. That would stimulate him enough to take a shit. Well the bulb broke in his ass. How fucking painful. How do you explain that to a nurse? Hey I was having problems taking a shit. So I stuck a bulb in my ass & it broke. So now I'm bleeding from my asshole.

That's funny. Have a good weekend.
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