Well, well, well looks like da bears are heading to the superbowl. How exciting. Today's game was a good one. Talk about kicking ass. They steam rolled over The Saints, it was great. Oh, and what the hell happened to New England?
Alright enough of that. So I've seen some interesting stuff at work the past few weeks. For those of you who enjoy my stories I have a couple. 1st, I got to transport a guy who not only had a chest tube in, but had his chest cracked open. Wow, was that an interesting call. This guy was in his mid 40's got shot 4 times. Twice in the chest and I thought for sure he was a gonner. He got 4 units of blood total. Then they cracked his chest open. To the dr's surprise his heart was still pumping. So after a few minutes she's like let's roll. That was insane, the guy made it to the hospital but eventually died that night. Sad.
I got to see this weekend a girl with both sides of her chest cracked open. I can't give details cause this just happened on Friday night. It was interesting to see, she wasn't my patient though. Her case is sad, because she just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Its crazy how no matter how, but when its your time to go, its your time to go.
Other than that work has been good. I have this party to go to on Friday. Should be fun. I get to see a few people I haven't seen a while. Get to party with this lovely woman who was pregnant this time last year. She swears she can party, we shall see.
So does anyone else think 2006 was a shitty year? Mine was ok, not great, not too bad but just ok. 2007 is already off to a great start. So any predictions for the Super Bowl?
Mine: Bears 27 Colts 21
Alright enough of that. So I've seen some interesting stuff at work the past few weeks. For those of you who enjoy my stories I have a couple. 1st, I got to transport a guy who not only had a chest tube in, but had his chest cracked open. Wow, was that an interesting call. This guy was in his mid 40's got shot 4 times. Twice in the chest and I thought for sure he was a gonner. He got 4 units of blood total. Then they cracked his chest open. To the dr's surprise his heart was still pumping. So after a few minutes she's like let's roll. That was insane, the guy made it to the hospital but eventually died that night. Sad.
I got to see this weekend a girl with both sides of her chest cracked open. I can't give details cause this just happened on Friday night. It was interesting to see, she wasn't my patient though. Her case is sad, because she just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Its crazy how no matter how, but when its your time to go, its your time to go.
Other than that work has been good. I have this party to go to on Friday. Should be fun. I get to see a few people I haven't seen a while. Get to party with this lovely woman who was pregnant this time last year. She swears she can party, we shall see.
So does anyone else think 2006 was a shitty year? Mine was ok, not great, not too bad but just ok. 2007 is already off to a great start. So any predictions for the Super Bowl?
Mine: Bears 27 Colts 21
so at least there was balance
did you hear yet about that hospital gig?
man you always have the wicked stories. i could never do what you do. it would make me cry forever. my mom went almost all the way through nursing school til she was put in an old folk's home and lost several patients and that was it.
i marvel how people can keep the sane view that they are helping people in the long term when given such extremes in the short term. you're amazing!
i wanted to leave you with a sweet superfans "Da Bears" dance but stupid nbc took it off youtube because they don't know the meaning of free advertising.
anywho i hope da bears kick major ass!
big hugs and lots of love!
anyway...2006..the worst year of my life...2007 don't care too much for it...the whole bears thing is very exciting...it should be fun...work is fucking hectic..i see your is too..very interesting stuff...your job sounds exciting..interesting...
things are getting better here at home in the sex front...it could always be better..maybe i am too horny