Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all.
Hopefully everyone had a good one. Either spent with their families or with loved ones. I made a turkey, came out delicious as always. I do the turkey every year. It was a decent time. It was just my 2 brothers, a friend of theirs & myself. Mom is out in Mexico at the moment. Grandma's been a little sick lately. So it was the 1st Thanksgiving not spent all together, sort of. Either way it was ok all in all. No serious fights, just stupid usual bickering. So does anyone have any good holiday fight stories?
So I went out on Saturday night for a friend's b-day. Had dinner went to a drag show afterwards, then a club. Well needless to say I made a total jackass of myself that night. I ended up punching one of my friends. Why? I have absolutely no idea. Don't even remember doing that. That's how fucked up I was. From stories that I've been told by a couple of people. I was appearantly really aggressive towards her in the end. I ended up leaving a bruise on the side of her face. I feel horrible about what I did. I've never done anything like that. I can't even imagine what possessed me to do that in the 1st place. We talked the day after & hashed things out. I've heard she's still aggravated about the whole situation. I don't blame her, but I need to find a way to make it up to her. Any suggestions?
Onto other things. Work has been good. Can't believe x-mas is coming up already. Damn time is flying by so damn quick lately. I need to go x-mas tree shopping. Tried an actual tree last year & it was nice. Made the house smell good. Although the needles were a pain when they started falling off. I did enjoy it though.
Well kids have a good weekend. Don't party too hard.
p.s. I am soo ready for another tattoo. I just don't know what to get. How ghetto would it be if I got one in the back of my neck?
Hopefully everyone had a good one. Either spent with their families or with loved ones. I made a turkey, came out delicious as always. I do the turkey every year. It was a decent time. It was just my 2 brothers, a friend of theirs & myself. Mom is out in Mexico at the moment. Grandma's been a little sick lately. So it was the 1st Thanksgiving not spent all together, sort of. Either way it was ok all in all. No serious fights, just stupid usual bickering. So does anyone have any good holiday fight stories?
So I went out on Saturday night for a friend's b-day. Had dinner went to a drag show afterwards, then a club. Well needless to say I made a total jackass of myself that night. I ended up punching one of my friends. Why? I have absolutely no idea. Don't even remember doing that. That's how fucked up I was. From stories that I've been told by a couple of people. I was appearantly really aggressive towards her in the end. I ended up leaving a bruise on the side of her face. I feel horrible about what I did. I've never done anything like that. I can't even imagine what possessed me to do that in the 1st place. We talked the day after & hashed things out. I've heard she's still aggravated about the whole situation. I don't blame her, but I need to find a way to make it up to her. Any suggestions?
Onto other things. Work has been good. Can't believe x-mas is coming up already. Damn time is flying by so damn quick lately. I need to go x-mas tree shopping. Tried an actual tree last year & it was nice. Made the house smell good. Although the needles were a pain when they started falling off. I did enjoy it though.
Well kids have a good weekend. Don't party too hard.
p.s. I am soo ready for another tattoo. I just don't know what to get. How ghetto would it be if I got one in the back of my neck?

my family never has fights when we get together...id imagine for some others the holidays could be a time of intense conflict.