It was busy last night at work. Although we did manage to squeeze in pulp fiction. Not in one sitting though. We had to break it up into 3 parts. I had never seen the whole movie before. Yes I know, lame. Not that big on movies though. I definitely liked it. Tarantino has his own way of doing movies. It's interesting to watch his movies. I gotta say the funniest part is when Travolta "accidentally" shoots the guy in the face. Best part of the movie.
I'm actually quite tired & should be in bed. But I must go make my truck payment at the bank. They dont open til 9 & so here I am. Killing some time. Otherwise if I lay down I am not getting up again. I'll be sleeping through most of the day. I gotta work tonight.
I'm going to go snack on something before heading out the door. My bed is whispering my name. I must ignore it for now.
I'm actually quite tired & should be in bed. But I must go make my truck payment at the bank. They dont open til 9 & so here I am. Killing some time. Otherwise if I lay down I am not getting up again. I'll be sleeping through most of the day. I gotta work tonight.
I'm going to go snack on something before heading out the door. My bed is whispering my name. I must ignore it for now.

My problem is that I easily panic, I easily feel overwhelmed and worse yet I overestimate how long things are going to take to get done, causing more stress and anxiety. I also make deadlines and stick to them, like little mileposts for each day of the work that has to get done. I keep everything more or less in real time [no big dealy between going to lecture and studying/doing the homework problems], especially studying for biology because I have to. That is a terrible setup right there.