alrighty people, it's been a busy week so far. Lots going on, not that you care to know.
Some stories, they arent anything crazy though. 1st night was a clusterfuck. We all left early from the airport, got in & couldnt check into the hotel rooms til 3 pm. Some of us went out to dinner & what not. Afterwards we met up at Ceasar's & headed to Studio 54. The line was soo long we didn't feel like waiting around. So we opted to head to a stripclub instead. Some people didnt want to go & preffered to stay at Studio 54. Other people insisted on sticking together as a group. So we all headed to the stripclub, turns out it was $30 just to get in.
So we left. Ended up buying beer & hanging out at a hotel room. By this point it was like 2:30am. Most of us were tired & just wanted to hang out. So we started playing spin the bottle. Just imagine a bunch of 20 yr old's playing spin the bottle. It was fun, people made out & what not. Some people got sick when we got back. Sharing germs are never good.
The next night we, the girls in our room went to go catch a show. It was Bite. Good show about vampires. They had topless female dancers. Some acrobatics, they included the audience in some scenes. The music was great though. All in all it was a good show. Then we headed to the Voodoo Lounge. We met people from here & Seattle & other parts of the world. This was the night I got pretty drunk.
I was so smitten with this girl from Seattle. It was the boots she was wearing, I swear. Anywho, I offered to buy her & her friend a shot. They suggested Captain Morgan's. I was pretty tipsy at that point. The Captain pushed me over the edge & made me aggressive. After that shot I dont remember a few things here & there. I hit my friend with my camera, it was an accident. My camera was taken away from me. I appearantly didnt know my own strength that night either. I didnt get into any fights though. My friends have been busting my chops since then. I looked back at the pics I took that night. That girl from Seattle, Monica, wasn't as hot as I remember. Cute dont get me wrong but not as hot. Thats why I swear it was the boots. Damn beer goggles can get you in unwanted shit.
The next night we dressed up cause it was Halloween. I was a Dr. A friend of mine was my patient. The other girl was a naughty school girl & she looked smokin. The last girl was an angel/devil. We had tons of fun that night. Other people got drunk that night. We meet some cool people from Alabama & Louisiana. Meet other creepy people too. Vegas is like a huge candy store for pervs. The creepy pervs not the your funny but still pervi.
So there ya go, nothing crazy. Some stories I cant share. But it was a blast. I wouldnt mind going back next Halloween. If I do I would go all out on a costume. It's a lot of fun around Halloween time. Costume parties everywhere. People in some really cool costumes walking around.
People at work are dying to know stories. Some are making up their own stuff already. Some damage control had to be made last night. Some people blamed a guy who went out there of spreading stories. This girl was ready to flip out on him. Told her to relax he doenst talk. Blah blah, it was taken care of though. So hope you enjoyed.
Some stories, they arent anything crazy though. 1st night was a clusterfuck. We all left early from the airport, got in & couldnt check into the hotel rooms til 3 pm. Some of us went out to dinner & what not. Afterwards we met up at Ceasar's & headed to Studio 54. The line was soo long we didn't feel like waiting around. So we opted to head to a stripclub instead. Some people didnt want to go & preffered to stay at Studio 54. Other people insisted on sticking together as a group. So we all headed to the stripclub, turns out it was $30 just to get in.
So we left. Ended up buying beer & hanging out at a hotel room. By this point it was like 2:30am. Most of us were tired & just wanted to hang out. So we started playing spin the bottle. Just imagine a bunch of 20 yr old's playing spin the bottle. It was fun, people made out & what not. Some people got sick when we got back. Sharing germs are never good.
The next night we, the girls in our room went to go catch a show. It was Bite. Good show about vampires. They had topless female dancers. Some acrobatics, they included the audience in some scenes. The music was great though. All in all it was a good show. Then we headed to the Voodoo Lounge. We met people from here & Seattle & other parts of the world. This was the night I got pretty drunk.
I was so smitten with this girl from Seattle. It was the boots she was wearing, I swear. Anywho, I offered to buy her & her friend a shot. They suggested Captain Morgan's. I was pretty tipsy at that point. The Captain pushed me over the edge & made me aggressive. After that shot I dont remember a few things here & there. I hit my friend with my camera, it was an accident. My camera was taken away from me. I appearantly didnt know my own strength that night either. I didnt get into any fights though. My friends have been busting my chops since then. I looked back at the pics I took that night. That girl from Seattle, Monica, wasn't as hot as I remember. Cute dont get me wrong but not as hot. Thats why I swear it was the boots. Damn beer goggles can get you in unwanted shit.
The next night we dressed up cause it was Halloween. I was a Dr. A friend of mine was my patient. The other girl was a naughty school girl & she looked smokin. The last girl was an angel/devil. We had tons of fun that night. Other people got drunk that night. We meet some cool people from Alabama & Louisiana. Meet other creepy people too. Vegas is like a huge candy store for pervs. The creepy pervs not the your funny but still pervi.
So there ya go, nothing crazy. Some stories I cant share. But it was a blast. I wouldnt mind going back next Halloween. If I do I would go all out on a costume. It's a lot of fun around Halloween time. Costume parties everywhere. People in some really cool costumes walking around.
People at work are dying to know stories. Some are making up their own stuff already. Some damage control had to be made last night. Some people blamed a guy who went out there of spreading stories. This girl was ready to flip out on him. Told her to relax he doenst talk. Blah blah, it was taken care of though. So hope you enjoyed.

sounds like fun. i went to an SGChicago halloween party and a local h concert the saturday before halloween, drank at Quencher's the night before, and went to sleep on halloween.
Damn .. you really played spin the bottle