22 days & counting!!!
I wasn't going to do it, but screw it. 22 days before I leave for my Vegas trip. I am soooo excited about it. I am going to have such a blast. Yeah baby!!
Alrighty, I have come to the conclusion that.....I need to get some ass before I leave. Why? Cause otherwise I am going to get myself into alot of trouble out there. Which isnt bad. But I've never had a one night stand. Nor do I see myself having one anytime soon. It's just not me. So in order to hold me over. I need some ass before I leave.
And I ran into a classmate of mine, last night. This guy Matt & myself have always flirted. So talk about perfect timing. I think I may have found myself my steady piece of ass. Ha, enough about ass.
My friend's wedding is this Saturday. I'm happy but not really excited. I dont know why though. I'm happy for them & wish them nothing but the best. But I'm just not that excited. Is that bad? I dont know.
So just in case you missed it.
22 days & counting for Vegas baby!!!
I wasn't going to do it, but screw it. 22 days before I leave for my Vegas trip. I am soooo excited about it. I am going to have such a blast. Yeah baby!!
Alrighty, I have come to the conclusion that.....I need to get some ass before I leave. Why? Cause otherwise I am going to get myself into alot of trouble out there. Which isnt bad. But I've never had a one night stand. Nor do I see myself having one anytime soon. It's just not me. So in order to hold me over. I need some ass before I leave.
And I ran into a classmate of mine, last night. This guy Matt & myself have always flirted. So talk about perfect timing. I think I may have found myself my steady piece of ass. Ha, enough about ass.
My friend's wedding is this Saturday. I'm happy but not really excited. I dont know why though. I'm happy for them & wish them nothing but the best. But I'm just not that excited. Is that bad? I dont know.
So just in case you missed it.
22 days & counting for Vegas baby!!!

getting a consistant piece of ass is always a good thing... now im jealous 

YES!! Sweep! go white sox, im sooo fucking happy!!!