Hi there!,
Almost 3 weeks ago Cudnovati and I shoot my new set, I hope soon have some pictures to update my blog
I been sick for the last 2 weeks I have flu and cough; I look terrible.
I have a tons a new stuff, soon I'm going to show you in a video
Rlei have a new set City Of Angels so vote or die.
and pictures of me, are of the same day we took the photoset

Almost 3 weeks ago Cudnovati and I shoot my new set, I hope soon have some pictures to update my blog

I been sick for the last 2 weeks I have flu and cough; I look terrible.
I have a tons a new stuff, soon I'm going to show you in a video

Rlei have a new set City Of Angels so vote or die.

and pictures of me, are of the same day we took the photoset

44 agujas en mi barriga cervezera jajajajaja. hermosa cuando tienes set nuevo?

super coqueta con ese look !