Hello all :)
How are we all?? I'm good ta been very busy today with getting my hair styled and working out and going to work which ain't so fun :( but all is good I just put a smile on my face and just get on with it :)
having to sit their whilst my beloved sister pulled my hair was so fucking pain full but it good :)
Then partied my way to the gym an had a massive 2 hour work out felt amazing got another 45 min PT session tomoz night after work I love to work out. I also love to come home and wipe the floor with my mates on Xbox to show them women can play video games lol they don't like me very much but shooter and racing games are what I'm addicted to :) I don't play nice but I also play to enjoy the game if I can't do that then I'm letting myself go lol. Getting new play station 4 on Saturday CAN NOT WAIT :) but if theirs any gamer girls on here my Xbox live name is Lush Python :) x
Then went to work god my job is Shit if my boss wasn't such a FUCKING BITCH my career in working in a nursery wouldn't be so bad but I can't wait for next year to begin please hurry up. It's going to be a great year next year got so much planned. Things like:
Driving lessons, Passing my driving test, my amazing holiday to America can not wait :), New job, New life :)
Then when I get home from a shit day my dog makes it all better just look at her sweet little face but she was pulling this face because she wanted the chicken in my salad lol. Love my little lady :) <3
Then I'm sat here right now chilling after cleaning my dads house I'm about to cook dinner but I have my music blaring and chilling is one of my most favourite things to do :).
So all I'm off to cook dinner for family so ill chat to you all later :) thanks for reading that's if you did if not that's cool :)
Much love xoxoxo