Damn it! So the power went out about a week ago at my appartment and blew out the modem so we no longer have interent access at my house...hence the reason i have not been here in awhile...also..when i do get to check my e-mail at my moms house i have pages of Paperdoll e-mails to go through which takes up all my time
But..i got a new set up this week which was like an early x-mas gift for me. i also started stenciling again and have been working on making tote bags for all my friends for x-mas as well as making ones for the site. So busy!! Plus i think tonight i should be going out to boston to go see Brillant misstake play in the finals of the battle of the bands...I love them they are soooo good. arg! so much going on...and i still have to bake gingerbread men before x-mas!
Anyway.....dont work yourself too hard, okay?