Long day at work...i thought it would never end. My friend Ed is supposed to be out in the area tonight and we were going to chill but I have yet to hear from him. Oh well...sometimes people just kinda vanish into thin air...and its uesally when you actueally need to get in touch with them for something to.

I finally am getting used to...
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Im a bit partial to stars so i obviously dig your ink, you wont be friendless for long with pics like that, not on this site.STENCILS..... what ya doin?
Bankky speaks the truth. Those are some great pics.
love Private dance partys which involve rocking out to the darkness with a new friend in their appartment after spending the day silkscreening is the best time ever. Much love to J for making my weekend kick ass.
Soooo....Tomorrow night in northampton MA at elevens there is going to be a g g allan cover show...it will be amazing...if your from the area you should come check it out smile Also...I just learned how to silkscreen and made some t-shirts for my website last night. i think they came out pretty good...i have sooo many to make though... tongue
yay..back to having an account..it has been to long. With the site I am starting out I felt I needed to join back up for some inspiration and oogling. i decided to try and apply again to. Who knows how that will go but I've got some expierence behind me now as well as some more ink and a better sence of who i am...
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good luck, hope to be hearing more from you. you are way cute love