Woohoo! Another blog post!! I need to try do this more frequently! Well, basically since my last post, I'm almost out of my old apartment, just a few more things to move out of there, and then I can get a cleaning crew in to take care of it ^___^ I still haven't fully settled into my new place, and I'm not too sure if I'll unpack everything just yet, as it may just be a temporary thing. I moved into my mums apartment, and she is away for 3 weeks of the month, which is great. However we found out today that she may loose her job (grrr it was her fault!) so that means she might be moving back to Cairns, and I reallyyyyy don't think I'll be able to handle living with her all the time. I love my mother, but there is only so much I can tolerate
BUTTT, on the plus side, I applied for a promotion (to become a store manager) AND I GOT IT!!! So woohoo to a (small) payrise and in November they fly all the managers to Sydney for a few days for a conference, so I'm looking forward to that too
And in 3 weeks I leave for my holiday!! SO excited!! I'm going to Thailand, India and Japan. Feels like there is still so much to organise!! Starting to freak out a bit haha
And to top it off, had a great day at Lake Eacham, picnicking and swimming!

BUTTT, on the plus side, I applied for a promotion (to become a store manager) AND I GOT IT!!! So woohoo to a (small) payrise and in November they fly all the managers to Sydney for a few days for a conference, so I'm looking forward to that too

And in 3 weeks I leave for my holiday!! SO excited!! I'm going to Thailand, India and Japan. Feels like there is still so much to organise!! Starting to freak out a bit haha
And to top it off, had a great day at Lake Eacham, picnicking and swimming!

You're welcome. Common n00b mistake around here. The social networking everything-in-the-one thread approach was developing while SG was new, and SG just did its own thing, which seems oddly out of date now. 

It is a stunning mix
When you go on your travels make sure to take lots of pictures for me. I'm pretty jealous!