box of krisy kreme donuts showed up in the apartment yesterday, (we are very new to this shit in canada, you bad americans with your fattening up the rest of teh world), and i ate 6 donuts on my own!!!
finally saw BATTLE ROYAL, and ITCHI the KILLER, jasonlee picked up both for $10 total in chinatown!
have coffee, but no food!
vikki picked me up this lace slip at value village, thanks girlie!

finally saw BATTLE ROYAL, and ITCHI the KILLER, jasonlee picked up both for $10 total in chinatown!

have coffee, but no food!
vikki picked me up this lace slip at value village, thanks girlie!

holy bajeebas, what a sexy picture!
Thanx v much I'm flattered!
Hurrah for VV, best thrift shop ever! One of Canada's finer creations hehe
I've been wanting to see Battle Royale for sooooooooo long now! Maybe I'll have to take me a trip down to Chinatown too