Last night some drunken frat boys were serenading me outside my bedroom window. I can't decide if they were cute or obnoxious. They were pretty loud and more enthusiastic than talented. It was hard to tell what they were actually singing. I'm not sure where they came from but I assume it has something to do with the workouts I've been doing in the backyard.
Nice to know I've still got it. Too bad they were all so damn young.
Update June 7th
One of my neighbors told me that one of the songs was "Kung Fu Fighting". Which clearly weighs in on the cute side in my opinion. My neighbor, on the other hand, definitely thought they were obnoxious.
Nice to know I've still got it. Too bad they were all so damn young.

Update June 7th
One of my neighbors told me that one of the songs was "Kung Fu Fighting". Which clearly weighs in on the cute side in my opinion. My neighbor, on the other hand, definitely thought they were obnoxious.

Of course if I were as beautiful as you I suppose it might happen. No wonder everyone falls in love with you.
Sorry, that sounds bitter doesn't it? I'm in one of those moods.
Are you coming back? Or are you done?