I keep stopping in here hoping to find some remnant of what I remember this place being. Seems like it is gone. Bummer.
Some days I feel like I have seen and done too much. It makes me want to go back to Japan. Where I can surround myself with other people looking to ease their minds and soothe their souls. A paradoxical group of people seeking quiet and solitude while living in a communal environment. Practicing what looks like violence but feels like meditation. It was comforting...
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So I suppose it is time to put up a real journal entry. Lots of things have happened since I was last here. I've moved 3 times. First back to Illinois to help out when the family farm was in trouble. Then back to St. Louis for a while. Trying to escape from some of my past and hoping to rediscover other parts of it....
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thanks for the comment xx
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...and welcome home.

Hope yours was as good as mine
But, perhaps, warmer.

And mine was just cool, so that's probably warmer.

And I think I fulfilled your wishes perfectly.
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I'm glad to read that you're doing well.

Peace at 33 sounds good. Lots of time to read books.
Anybody still here that I actually know?
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Of course if I were as beautiful as you I suppose it might happen. No wonder everyone falls in love with you.
Sorry, that sounds bitter doesn't it? I'm in one of those moods.
Are you coming back? Or are you done?
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It's just not fair, it's just not right, it's downright wrong.
But that's quite the way it works-
For the Fates can be such jerks
And that which fails to kill us makes us strong!
Not each nor every day can get a rhyme-
We have to fly, I wonder why there's just no time?
Beg and steal and borrow
To make it to tomorrow
To rush through life seems somehow such a crime...
But on this one day, I'll make for you this verse-
It's not too bad, for time I had, I could do worse.
And should it give you a smile
I'll be glad I spent a while-
But next time I'll want more time to rehearse!