so i jsut got back from Interview #1. a classy, rather uptight and uber professional spa (and soon to be salon) on monroe ave. and the lady was very nice, but still cant funk my hair or show tattoos, etc. wtf does corporatre america have against tattoos???Jeesh. 1 down, please gd..let there be more to go.
anyone know of any jobs in the rochester area that pay decent and wont make me sacrifice my appaearance at all. that acutally want t a quality PERSONALITY to matter lol.
ps) its fucking hot out. and im missing LENNON tonite in Buffalo and im not a happy camper!!
anyone know of any jobs in the rochester area that pay decent and wont make me sacrifice my appaearance at all. that acutally want t a quality PERSONALITY to matter lol.

ps) its fucking hot out. and im missing LENNON tonite in Buffalo and im not a happy camper!!

good money, free booze, no hassle about tattoos/ appearance (as long as its not an upscale bar)