okay..so its update time..and as many of you have brought to my attention its been long overdue! (my apologizies, i suck at life) gawsh its been so friggin long i have no idea where to start.
so men and love/lust/sex or lack thereof would be a good start maybe, ummm, ive been meeting some new people and hanging out, having a good time but still nothing serious.
life stil sucks..i feel like a rat in a cage..rents are making me wanna fucking shoot myself..im lonely, broke, edgy and wanna get away liek you wouldnt believe. im frustrated with these shows and tying to book my buddies band A NEW REVIOLUTION for a date in rochester and buffalo at the end of august. its not going according to plan. my lil sis is still making everyone fucking nutz on her delinquent drama spree but shes getting some cool friends. hopefully shell hold on to thsee and straigthten out with them. im praying and keeping my fingers crossed
on a more postitive note, my new drivers liscensce came today and so i officially have a "photo I.D." once again!! YAY!! its been hell for the past 3 without one
everyones screaming now so i think im gonna take a walk and get outta here for a bit.
thanks for listsenin
ps) elijah: i love nad miss you
and miss saida if u are reading this, please call me or write me..ive been trying to get ahold of you.
so men and love/lust/sex or lack thereof would be a good start maybe, ummm, ive been meeting some new people and hanging out, having a good time but still nothing serious.
life stil sucks..i feel like a rat in a cage..rents are making me wanna fucking shoot myself..im lonely, broke, edgy and wanna get away liek you wouldnt believe. im frustrated with these shows and tying to book my buddies band A NEW REVIOLUTION for a date in rochester and buffalo at the end of august. its not going according to plan. my lil sis is still making everyone fucking nutz on her delinquent drama spree but shes getting some cool friends. hopefully shell hold on to thsee and straigthten out with them. im praying and keeping my fingers crossed
on a more postitive note, my new drivers liscensce came today and so i officially have a "photo I.D." once again!! YAY!! its been hell for the past 3 without one
everyones screaming now so i think im gonna take a walk and get outta here for a bit.
thanks for listsenin
ps) elijah: i love nad miss you
and miss saida if u are reading this, please call me or write me..ive been trying to get ahold of you.